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Traduzione - Inglese-Hindi - Translation-interrogation-exclamation

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: IngleseOlandeseEsperantoFranceseTedescoRussoCatalanoSpagnoloGiapponeseSlovenoCinese semplificatoAraboItalianoTurcoBulgaroRumenoPortogheseEbraicoAlbaneseSvedeseDaneseUnghereseGrecoSerboFinlandeseCinesePortoghese brasilianoCroatoPolaccoIngleseNorvegeseCoreanoCecoPersianoSlovaccoIrlandeseAfrikaansHindiVietnamita
Traduzioni richieste: KlingonCurdo

Categoria Spiegazioni - Computers / Internet

Aggiunto da cucumis
Lingua originale: Inglese

The translation must take into account the specific rules of the target language. For example in Spanish the reverse interrogation or exclamation point comes before the sentence, in Japanese the sentences end with "。" ( not with "." ) and there is no space before the next sentence, etc...


Tradotto da icey.rage
Lingua di destinazione: Hindi

अनुवाद को अनुवादित भाषा के नियमों(व्याकरण)विराम आदि चिह्न लगाने का पालन करना चाहिए । उदाहरण के लिये स्पेन की भाषा में उल्टा प्रश्न चिह्न अथवा समबोधन वाक्य से पहले (आरम्भ में) आता है, जापानी भाषा में वाक्य के अन्त मे "。" लगाते हैं ("." नहीं) और अगले वाक्य के आरम्भ में रिक्त स्थान नहीं होता, इत्यादि...
Note sulla traduzione
समबोधन(exclamation) can be replaced with विराम चिन्हनन(punctuation)which conveys the essence of the text.
Ultima convalida o modifica di cucumis - 20 Ottobre 2010 17:30

Ultimi messaggi


19 Settembre 2010 20:32

Numero di messaggi: 236
From a puritan's angle the translated text is not "exactly" in accordance with the source. For example, the first sentence in source doesn't say anything about punctuation while the translation says "The translated text should follow the rules (grammar) of the source text like rules regarding punctuation." the 'exclamation point' is translated wrong and instead of 'in Japanese' it says 'the Japanese use'. Will try to fix that.

PS- Yes, I try to be around. I was afraid I cant use Cucu as I wont have a PC for this year. But I figured out how to view complex text (my phone doesn't support it, its an European version) on my mobile. Unfortunately, there's no way to enter text. I'll have to use iTrans online, that'll take some time. Will do tomorrow.

21 Settembre 2010 13:41

lilian canale
Numero di messaggi: 14972
OK, Coldbreeze,
could you edit the translation and then accept it?

30 Settembre 2010 11:49

lilian canale
Numero di messaggi: 14972