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Traduzione - Inglese-Ebraico - They sat on the big old tree. He was choked, so...

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: IngleseEbraico

Categoria Letteratura - Amore / Amicizia

They sat on the big old tree. He was choked, so...
Aggiunto da ophir1515
Lingua originale: Inglese

They sat on the big old tree. He was choked, so heavy was his heart thet night.
"I love you." It came out.
Note sulla traduzione
תרגום של טקסט מיוחד. אשמח לגרסא מעניינת ולא רק משמעתית... תודה רבה.

התרגום בפנים.

Tradotto da reutli
Lingua di destinazione: Ebraico

הם ישבו על העץ הגדול והעתיק. הוא נחנק, ליבו היה כה כבד באותו לילה.
"אני אוהב אותך". זה יצא החוצה.
Ultima convalida o modifica di milkman - 1 Dicembre 2007 18:01