"Sylvia Katzarova - I love you
I love when you play with my hair
and when you mess them up with your fingers like the wind (does)
(and) under your warm caress, (I love) to watch curiously
the light of your smile.
I love when you kiss my eyes
and (I love) to feel first from your lips
how spring winds bluster
and how rain gets absorbed inside me
I love to cling to your chest
and (I love) when our heartbeats merge,
(I love) to listen to your heart when it screams
and, being tired, (I love) to fall asleep."
Hi Via,
Could you please check the bridge I built from the Italian text and tell me if it matches the Bulgarian source text?
I know I wrote many oddities (translating poetry is difficult

), so please tell me if something is wrong or unclear.
Thank you in advance
CC: ViaLuminosa