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Translation - Brazilian Portuguese-Ancient greek - A vontade de Deus nunca irá levá-lo aonde a graça...

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This text is available in the following languages: Brazilian Portuguese

Category Expression

A vontade de Deus nunca irá levá-lo aonde a graça...
Submitted by Agnaldo Marques
Source language: Brazilian Portuguese

A vontade de Deus nunca irá levá-lo aonde a graça de Deus não pode protegê-lo.

Warning, this translation has not been yet evaluated by an expert, it might be wrong!
Ἡ Θεοῦ βουλή...
Ancient greek

Translated by alexfatt
Target language: Ancient greek

Ἡ Θεοῦ βουλή οὐκ οἴσει ποτὲ ὅποι ἡ Θεοῦ χάρις οὐκ ἀμύνειν δύναται.
4 November 2011 10:56