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ترجمة - إيطاليّ -انجليزي - Buongiorno, vorrei informazioni sui vostri...

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: إيطاليّ انجليزي

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Buongiorno, vorrei informazioni sui vostri...
إقترحت من طرف MauroManunta
لغة مصدر: إيطاليّ

Buongiorno, vorrei informazioni sui vostri prodotti in particolare sul latte evaporato e/o concentrato.
In che percentuale bisogna diluirlo ?
con 5 litri di concentrato quanti litri di latte riesco ad ottenere ?
siete in grado di confezionarlo in Bag in Box ?
quanto tempo dura il prodotto ?
una volta aperto quanto dura ?
Vorrei i prezzi e le condizioni di vendita.

Hello, I would like to inquire into your products

ترجمت من طرف turkishmiss
لغة الهدف: انجليزي

Hello, I would like to inquire into your products,
particularly the evaporated and/or condensed milk.
In what ratio is it necessary to dilute it?
How many liters of milk can I get with 5 liters of the condensed product?
Could you prepare it in a "bag in a box"?
How long does the product last?
After opening how long does it last?
I would like to know prices and selling terms.
Thank you.

آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف kafetzou - 24 نيسان 2007 17:46