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166원문 - 영어 - Only God Can Judge Me

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분류 표현 - 사회 / 사람들 / 정치들

Only God Can Judge Me
번역될 본문
elvis82에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 영어

Only God Can Judge Me
2006년 2월 20일 16:33

마지막 글


2009년 3월 13일 10:22

게시물 갯수: 12396
S.O.S., giuliaclo, kumarsubbhash_22 and petra123, please use the "translate" button, but please do not post translations from this text in the discussion area, thank you.

I removed the requests for Bosnian and Latin, as this text was already translated into these languages.

2009년 10월 19일 22:17

게시물 갯수: 493

I have a question: is it admissable to post the translation of a text into a rare language as Telegu or Sanskrit, etc., which I do not know, for which I can provide a reliable link as being the source for the translation.

I've found the translation of "Only God can judge me" into some of the languages requested

Thank you.

2009년 10월 20일 14:53

게시물 갯수: 12396
Well, this is an excellent question, and I'm very grateful you asked it!

If no expert can validate the translation, you still can translate and add as many details as possible in the remarks field, with copy-paste from the urls from the source; and precise you didn't translate the text by yourself.
But it won't be validated, it will stay in the "translations to be evaluated" page, waiting for an expert to validate it.

CC: lilian canale jp

2009년 10월 23일 17:15

게시물 갯수: 385
@Tzicu-Sem, you are tolking about the very common requests that we get here and that can be found on otherwebsites as well. If you are pretty sure the source of your translation is OK, you can submit here to but add a comment to tell where you get the translation.