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Source language
Russian кониыктивα =бледно-розоваиа
кониыктивα =бледно-розоваиа

Completed translations
Greek επιπεφυκώς = ανοικτό ροζ
21Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".21
Turkish belki bir gün özlersin
belki bir gün özlersin

Completed translations
English maybe one day you'll miss [me]
Greek ίσως μια μέρα θα σου λείπω.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek mu les sta ksafnika
Mu les sta ksafnika
Pos thelis na s' afiso
Ke ta onira pu i dio mas
Kaname na sviso
Na figo thes horis
Na se taleporiso
Na se ksehaso ke
Na min s' akoluthiso

Completed translations
Romanian Îmi spui dintr-o dată
10Source language10
Swedish jag vill bara säga till dig att jag saknar dig...
jag vill bara säga till dig att jag saknar dig väldigt mycket. du är någon som alltid kommer finnas i mitt hjärta! älskling. jag älskar dig. du är bäst! finast. du är allt.

Completed translations
English I just want to tell you that I miss you
Turkish sadece
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English 24 people have become victims of the Sunday...
24 people have become victims of the Sunday terrorist assault in the Southern Afghanistan province of Uruzgan, according the world's news agencies.

Completed translations
Romanian 24 de oameni au fost victimele
Source language
Spanish Cuerpo garrido que me lleva la muerte. no hav...
- Cuerpo garrido que me lleva la muerte.

- No hay amor sin pena.

- ...con almena y aqua lenta, donde se escucha volar...

- Que me pongo colora.

- Que me vas a enamorar.

- Con el vito.
Einai fraseis apo tragoudia pou xriazomai tin metafrasi.

Completed translations
English Strong body that death takes away.l
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Corpo robusto que a morte leva
Greek -Δυνατό σώμα που ο θάνατος παίρνει μακριά.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) 1)É proibido guardar rancores... 2)Me desculpe...
1)É proibido guardar rancores...
2)Me desculpe por favor.
3)Me perdoe por favor.
4)Eu te amo.

Completed translations
Spanish Prohibido
French Interdiction
Italian È proibito portare rancore
Swedish det är förbjudet hysa agg.
Source language
German du bist einen grosse kartoffel
du bist einen grosse kartoffel

Completed translations
Swedish du är en stor potatis
Source language
Spanish Hola, buenos días. Espero que te ...
Hola, buenos días. Espero que te encuentres bien. Desde Colombia te saludo, Simmona.
Mucho trabajo?
Quería verte, pero no pude.
saber todo del idioma italiano

Completed translations
Italian Volevo vederti...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Dutch nog een dag werken
nog een dag werken

Completed translations
Italian un altro giorno lavorativo
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian Sunt trei
Sunt trei luni de când trăiesc un vis din care nu vreau să mă trezesc niciodată. Ai făcut din mine un bărbat fericit."
Edits done by pias 080711
Before edits:"unt trei luni de cand traiesc un vis din care nu vreau sa ma trezesc nociodata ai facut din mine un barbat fericit"

Completed translations
Italian Sono tre
Source language
Swedish Är vi bara vänner eller vill du vara tillsammans med mig?
Är vi bara vänner eller vill du vara tillsammans med mig?
Edits done by pias 080714
Before edits: "är vi bara vänner eller vll du vara tillsamans med mig?"

Completed translations
Italian Siamo solo amici...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English 2 INTRODUCTION The resonator is key to the design...
The resonator is key to the design of an oscillator. The loaded Q determines the phase noise performance of the oscillator. The oscillator frequency will determine to some degree the type of resonator eg At microwave frequencies resonators can be coaxial or microstrip and at low frequencies the resonators are almost always made up of lumped components.
This tutorial gives design data for various types of resonator.
No comment

Completed translations
Serbian 2 UVOD Rezonator je ključan za dizajn...
Turkish 2 TANITIM
Source language
Swedish Hej snygging, är ni i Stockholm nu? Vill du...
Hej snygging, är ni i Stockholm nu?

Vill du stanna i Sverige eller tänker du åka hem till Italien?
Edits done by pias 080713

Before edits: "hej snygging är ni i sockholm nu?
vill du stana i sverge eller tänker du åka hem till italieni"

Completed translations
Italian Ciao bello, siete a Stoccolma adesso?
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