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Translation - Latin-French - traduzioni frasi di scuola

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: LatinFrenchItalian

Category Free writing - Education

traduzioni frasi di scuola
Submitted by nava91
Source language: Latin

pompeiani impetum nostrorum non tulerunt primisque deiectis reliqui se verterunt et loco

César/La guerre civile

Translated by stell
Target language: French

Les soldats de Pompée ne purent supporter notre choc et les premiers ayant été renversés, ceux qui restaient tournèrent le dos et abandonnèrent leur position.
Remarks about the translation
Il manque "cesserunt" à la fin du texte latin
Validated by Francky5591 - 14 February 2007 20:32