Cucumis - निशुल्क अन्-लाइन अनुबाद सेवा
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सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु

स्रोत भाषा

अनुबाद गर्नुपर्ने भाषा

नतिजा 38641 - 38660 (जम्मा लगभग 105991)
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स्रोत भाषा

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
स्रोत भाषा
ब्राजिलियन पर्तुगिज  O destino me deve algo.
O destino me deve algo.
Algo além das montanhas.
Algo além da razão.
Algo além de mim mesmo.
Além do amor, da paixão, do desejo!
Muito além de viver a esmo.
Viver por mim mesmo a liberdade que tanto ensejo.
Não sei como funciona a estrutura gramatical do latim, mas se para manter coerência da poesia for necessário mudar sua estrutura, por favor, avise.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
Latin Sors mea aliquod mihi debet.
अंग्रेजी Destiny owes me something...
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
रूसी cemaiu moé solnisko
cemaiu moé solnisko

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
तुर्केली öpüyorum güneşçiÄŸim benim
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Thai ^^"




सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
अंग्रेजी Hello
तुर्केली Merhaba! ....
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
अंग्रेजी my sweet friend i realy want you here, love all...
my sweet friend
i realy want you here, love allways

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
तुर्केली Benim tatlı arkadaşım
10स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
अंग्रेजी why are you so silent?
why are you so silent?you make me worrying-is everything ok with you?are you healthy?are you safe?or maybe are you very busy and tired?or just you had forgot me?please,let me know

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
रूसी почему Ñ‚Ñ‹ молчишь?
तुर्केली Niye bu kadar sessizsin...
स्रोत भाषा
डेनिस Jeg er dybt forelsket i min mand.. Mine to mænd...
Jeg er dybt forelsket i min mand..

Mine to mænd betyder alt for mig..

Jeg håber du vil være min for altid..

Jeg vil tag din hånd og stikke af sammen med dig..

Jeg elsker dig af hele mit hjerte min elskede..

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
तुर्केली Adamıma derinden aşığım. Iki erkeÄŸim...
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
अंग्रेजी Congenital toxoplasmosis
Congenital toxoplasmosis can occur when a woman acquires her initial infection during pregnancy.Although the infection is usually inapparent in the woman, the lesions in the fetus show a wide degree of severity, depending on the gestational age at which transplacental transmission occurred.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
तुर्केली DoÄŸuÅŸtan gelen toksoplazmosis
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
अंग्रेजी Lütfen, acilen çevirin!!
Alison, Paul and Erin live in Toronto, Canada. Alison works at the airport and she always meets Paul when he gets home from Antarctica. Erin always very happy when her father comes home. He buys her a lot of presents and they go to the cinema or play tennis in the evenings. When her husband is away Alison watch TV all time, but she does not watch it when he is at home. Alison does not have a lot of holiday, but they usually go to a hot country for two weeks before Paul goes back to Antarctica.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
तुर्केली family
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
अंग्रेजी I'm just looking
I'm just looking

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
तुर्केली bakıyorum
स्रोत भाषा
अंग्रेजी the past is my country
the past is my country

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
तुर्केली GeçmiÅŸ, benim ülkemdir.
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
यहुदी ויעקב הלך לדרכו
ויעקב הלך לדרכו

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
अंग्रेजी ...and Jacob went his way
रूसी ...и Яков пошел своим путем.
तुर्केली ... ve Jacob kendi yoluna gitti
10स्रोत भाषा10
तुर्केली bazen cok haksizlik yapiyorsun...ben mecbur...
bazen cok haksizlik yapiyorsun...ben mecbur kalmayincaya kadar burda kalmam ...sen halen bunu anlamiyorsun seninle yasamak cok zor... anlasamiyoruz seninle ... en iyisi ayrilalim... cunku sen disardaki hayata alismissin
bu nu danimarkcaya cevirseniz cok sevinirim

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
डेनिस Det bedste ville være at vi gÃ¥r fra hinanden
स्रोत भाषा
अंग्रेजी Hi! My name is R.
Hi! My name is R.
Male name abbr. /pias 081104.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
Icelandic Halló! Ég heiti R.
फरोईज Hey! Eg eiti R.
स्रोत भाषा
अल्बेनियन lumi aj qi tmer per gru
lumi aj qi tmer per gru

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
तुर्केली Seni eÅŸ olarak alana ne mutlu.
स्रोत भाषा
तुर्केली beni unutma tamammı
beni unutma tamammı

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
अंग्रेजी Don't forget me, all right?
डेनिस Glem mig ikke, OK?
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