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340 Source language This translation request is "Meaning only". Ik spreek je zo weinig. Ik zie je zo weinig.... Ik spreek je zo weinig. Ik zie je zo weinig. Toch zit je nog altijd in mijn gedachten. Als ik opsta, ontbijt, in de auto zit, aan het werk ben, eten kook of probeer te slapen en zelf in mijn dromen ben je bij me. De gevoelens die ik voor je heb zijn niet minder geworden, ik denk dat ze juist sterker zijn geworden nu ik je zo mis. Als ik mijn ogen sluit zie ik je, hoor ik je, ruik ik je. Je bent fantastich!! Ik hou van jou!! Completed translations Seninle cok az konusuyorum | |
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154 Source language This translation request is "Meaning only". while I was speaking with you.... while I was speaking with you, my friend came by my side and asked me whom I was speaking to. I didn't to keep this secret any more and he/she promised me not to tell about it anyone Completed translations ÃŽn timp ce vorbeam cu tine..... | |
43 Source language This translation request is "Meaning only". Je puis vous sentir près de moi, même ... Je puis vous sentir près de moi, même si vous êtes loin. "je puis" : "je peux" (as "je puis" is not that used in current French, it is used most of the time in literature domain, it is an old way to say "je peux", a little bit "precious", old fashioned) Completed translations Seni benim yanımda hissedebilirim... | |
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382 Source language Sa mojih usana ti nikad nisi cula laz u mojim... Sa mojih usana ti nikad nisi cula laz u mojim ocima nisi vidjela zlo i kad sam padao i kad sam letio bio sam sa tobom
Kud plove uspomene nikad necu saznati gdje god se okrenem svud se nalazis ti nekad me bude strah da se probudim a da te ne vidim
A sta imam ja od tog kad mi nije dao Bog da te sretnem ranije da ti kazem sta mi je
Sa mojih usana ti nikad neces cuti laz u mojim ocima neces vidjeti zlo i sve sto bude mi, nek' bude sa tobom Completed translations Dudaklarımdan sen hiçbir zaman yalan duymadın | |
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154 Source language Professor: conheço o senhor há pouco tempo. Mas... Professor: conheço o senhor há pouco tempo. Mas posso já dizer que você é um cara muito legal. Saiba que pode contar comigo para o que der e vier. Abraços. E lembre-se, a sorte está lançada. Completed translations Magister | |
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164 Source language I know that what used to be called a blackbox in... I know that what used to be called a blackbox in ancient aircraft has been activated in me. I'm too low on air, energy, body parts, and blood to be feeling these surges of screaming euphoria. I am writing a novel called Rescuing the Future, in which a voice-recorded message from the distant future is in Esperanto or Ido. My original thought was to use a modified Esperanto, so Ido may work slightly better. Completed translations Mi scias, ke tio, kion oni kutime nomis nigra skatolo... | |
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