Cucumis - Free online translation service
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Completed translations

Source language
Target language

Results 24901 - 24920 of about 105991
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Source language
Swedish Kärleken till min bror är evig
Kärleken till min bror är evig
texten ska böjas enligt ovan ingen annan grammatik

Completed translations
Italian L'amore per mio fratello è eterno.
Latin Amor erga fratrem meum aeternus est
Source language
Turkish mutlu yıllar aşkım
mutlu yıllar aşkım

Completed translations
Italian Buon anno, amore mio
Source language
Spanish Pero pasa a ser bueno! Sentarse allí con...
Pero pasa a ser bueno! Sentarse allí con tus mejores amigos ahora...Me gusta mucho!
No, no a jugar...!
Caramba, que en última instancia va mal para usted con tu gracia...
Removed improper words to be acceptable for translation

Completed translations
English But it becomes good!...
Greek Αλλά γίνεται καλό!
Source language
English There are no available data for the preparation...
There are no available data for the preparation itself.This preparation has been evaluated according to the conventional method of the Directive on dangerous preparations.

Completed translations
Serbian Nema dostupnih podataka o samom preparatu. ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English I am looking farward to seeing my family
I am looking farward to seeing my family

Completed translations
Serbian radujem se...
Source language
Turkish Snezana umarım gelırsın ve ıstersen sana yardımcı...
Snezana umarım gelırsın ve ıstersen sana yardımcı olabılırım denemen ıcın

Completed translations
Serbian S. nadam se da ćeš doći...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin vere ac libere loquitur
vere ac libere loquitur
<edit> added a conjugated verb for this text to be translated, on chronotribe's notification</edit>

Completed translations
Italian Si parla in verità e liberamente
English Speak truthfully and freely
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Demi lovato is really cute
Demi lovato is really cute

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Demi Lovato
Source language
French je l'attends ce baiser
je l'attends ce baiser

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Estou esperando esse beijo.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Japanese Nan watashi ga shitteiru? chotto matte kudasai......
Nan watashi ga shitteiru? chotto matte kudasai... ima boku wa ii janai...

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian O que eu sei? Espere um pouco...
Source language
Spanish soy mi vida
soy mi vida
me gustaria dar un gran significado en este caso a la palabra vida,magnificandola.

Completed translations
Esperanto Mi, decidas mem mian estontecon!
Source language
Portuguese brazilian o lider é o servo da liderança
o lider é o servo da liderança
gostaria de traduzir essa frase, p/ adiciona-la a um brasão;
então a forma é muito importante.

Completed translations
English The leader is the servant of leadership
German Der Führer
Latin Imperator
Esperanto lakeo de estraro
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian С наступающими праздниками! ...
С наступающими праздниками! Люблю, скучаю!..
Before edit : "Nastypauywumu praznukamu! Luybluy skyzauy!...." (thanks to Sunnybebek who gave the cyrillic version)

Completed translations
English congratulations to you on the approaching holidays ! love and miss you!
Portuguese brazilian Parabéns a você pelos feriados que se aproximam! Te amo e sinto saudade!
French Félicitations..
Portuguese Parabéns pelas tuas próximas férias! Amo-te e sinto a tua falta !
Spanish ¡Felicidades!
Hebrew ברכות לך לרגל החגים המתקרבים!
Lithuanian Sveikinu tave su artėjančiomis atostogomis! Myliu ir pasiilgau tavęs!
Ukrainian З наступаючими святами! Люблю сумую!...
Chinese 祝賀你的假期即將到來!我愛你,我想你!
Esperanto Gratulojn al vi por la alvenantaj feriaj tagoj!
Turkish Tebrikler...
Albanian Gëzuar festat ,të dua ,më mungon!
ภาษาไทย ขอแสดงความยินดีกับวันหยุดที่กำลังจะมาถึงนี้
Source language
Catalan d'ho ultimo que em vas acusar al sortir del meu...
d'ho ultimo que em vas acusar al sortir del meu carro pero adhuc asi jo no escogi el cami mes fasil soc jo qui mes perd tal vegada algun dia ho entenguis el teu amor sol tal vegada imcomprendido aunqie to aquest en el meu contra el que si s'es que sempre estare enamorat de tu.esperant la teva prompta resposta i sere el teu amic per sempre

Completed translations
Spanish De lo último que me acusaste al salir de mi...
Source language
Macedonian vazi eve ti moj msn
vazi eve ti moj msn

Completed translations
Spanish De acuerdo. Aquí tienes mi MSN.
Source language
English I'm shocked! Who'd ever thought that?
I'm shocked! Who'd ever thought that?

Completed translations
Spanish ¡Estoy impactado! ¿quién podría haberlo pensado?
Source language
English Terms of use
You must validate the terms of use, please.

Completed translations
Spanish Por favor, acepte los términos de uso.
Chinese simplified 使用条例
German Nutzungsbedingungen
Polish Warunki korzystania
Turkish Lütfen, kullanım şartlarını onaylayın
Swedish Du måste godkänna användarvillkoren.
Greek Όροι χρήσης
Czech Podmínky použití
Serbian Uslovi koriščenja
Bulgarian Моля, потвърдете условията за ползване.
Portuguese brazilian termos de uso
Portuguese Por favor, aceite os termos de uso.
Korean 사용 약관
Danish Anvendelse betingelser
Catalan Si us plau, accepti els termes i condicions.
Italian Le condizioni di utilizzo
Romanian Termeni de utilizare
Dutch Accepteer de gebruiksvoorwaarden, a.u.b.
Hebrew תנאי שימוש
Bosnian uslovi korištenja
Albanian Kushtet e përdorimit
Russian Условия пользования
Slovak Podmienky použitia
Hungarian Felhasználási feltételek
Finnish Teidän täytyy
Esperanto Bonvolu, validigi
Lithuanian Naudojimosi sÄ…lygos
Faroese Brúkaratreytir
Persian language شرایط استفاده
Norwegian Du må godkjenne brukervilkårene.
Slovenian Pogoj izdaje
ภาษาไทย ข้อปฏิบัติ
Arabic شروط الإستخدام
Chinese 請您必定遵守使用條例。
Latin Usus condiciones
Icelandic Notkunarreglur
Latvian Lietošanas noteikumi
Irish Caithfidh tú na tearmaí úsaide a léiriú, led thoil.
Afrikaans Gebruiksvoorwaardes.
French conditions d'utilisation
Klingon Dochvam Dalo' DaneHchugh
Japanese 使用条件を守ってください
Mongolian Хэрэглэх болзлыг зөвшөөрөх
Breton Diferadennoù
Ukrainian Будь ласка, підтвердіть умови використання.
ภาษาอูรดู استعمال Ú©ÛŒ شرائط
Georgian მოხმარების წესები
Croatian Uslovi koriščenja
Estonian Autoriõigusest
Hindi इस्तेमाल की शर्तें
Swahili Tafsiri ya cucumis
Ancient greek Ἐξαιτεῖ τοὺς τῆς ἀπολάυσεως νόμους βαβαίειν.
Frisian Brûkersbetingsten
Macedonian Ве молиме, прифатете ги условите за употреба.
Source language
Danish Hei Du skal vide jeg altid ville elske dig veli...
Du skal vide jeg altid vil elske dig V., jeg ville ønske vi kunne finde ud af det her sammen.
Prøve som en famile igen nu når vi har D.
Du er mit livs kærlighed og vil altid være det. Mit hjerte tilhører dig og ingen andre.
Jeg håber, at du en dag vil åbne dine øjne og komme tilbage til os. Både jeg og D. har brug for dig i vores hverdag.
Elsker dig

Before edits : "Hei
Du skal vide jeg altid ville elske dig veli, jeg ville ønske vi kunne finde ud af det her sammen,
Prøve som en famile igen nu når vi har deniz.
Du er min livs kærlighed og ville altid være det mit hjerte tilhører dig og ingen andre.
Jeg håber en dag du ville åbne dine øjne og komme tilbage til os både mig og deniz har brug for dig i vores hverdag.
Elsker dig" Thanks to Lene and Anita.

Completed translations
Turkish Selam
10Source language10
Portuguese brazilian O amor verdadeiro levamos conosco.
O amor verdadeiro levamos conosco.
Esta frase é extraida do filme "gost" e gostaria de tatuar em meu corpo.

Completed translations
Arabic الحب الحقيقي نحمله معنا
Turkish Gerçek aşkı bizimle aliriz
Source language
Bosnian ja bi volio znati jel to musko ili zensko
ja bi volio znati jel to musko ili zensko

Completed translations
Turkish Bilmek isterdim, erkek mi kız mı?
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