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10Translation - English-Turkish - Well I am not so good,but I hope I will be ok one...

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This text is available in the following languages: EnglishTurkish

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This translation request is "Meaning only".
Well I am not so good,but I hope I will be ok one...
Submitted by chekirov
Source language: English

Well I am not so good, but I hope I will be ok one day, inshallah... Is everything ok with you, how is your familly.? Say "selam" to them...
Remarks about the translation
<edit> Added spaces after punctuation </edit>

pek iyi deÄŸilim...

Translated by kmnk
Target language: Turkish

Pek iyi değilim, ama umarım bir gün olacağım, inşallah... Senin için her şey yolunda mı? Ailen nasıl? Onlara selam söyle...
Validated by Bilge Ertan - 29 January 2011 19:49