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Перевод - Голландский-Английский - graphics arts

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Данный текст доступен на следующих языках: ГолландскийАнглийский

Категория Пояснения - Дело / Работа

graphics arts
Добавлено asezginel
Язык, с которого нужно перевести: Голландский

Tensioactive bereiding in de vorm van een gele vloeistof, bestemd voor de grafische industrie. Het product wordt gebruikt voor het etsen van magnesium platen. Hiertoe wordt het produkt gemengd met salpeterzuur en water. De gele vloeistof dient als beschermingsvloeistof, hecht zich aan de zijkanten van het te etsen relief en voorkomt zogenaamde onderetsen. Het produkt bevat ondermeer aminocarbonzure tensio actieve stoffen.

graphic product

Перевод сделан Frank
Язык, на который нужно перевести: Английский

Tensio active construction as a yellow liquid, it's for the graphic industry. The product is used for etching magnesium plates. For that purpose the product is mixed with salpetersour and water. The yellow liquid is used for protection, it attaches itself to the sides of the etsen relief and protects against the so-called “onderetsen”. The product contains aminocarbonzure tensio active and other substances.
Комментарии для переводчика
Aminocarbonzure =aminocarbon acid = is a group of atom where they miss a water substation. It’s a acid

Tensio active = not a dutch word

Etsen = it’s a way to work. You use it on copper, steel ore sink plates. you make the plates stronger, get some kind of resin over it and cut with acid a figure in it.

Onderetsen = when you go under the protection

you get a copper, sink ore steel plate. first get the "etsen"on it. this protect the plate, then you get the yellow liquate over it with protect the etsen, so the no acid gets under the etsen.
Последнее изменение было внесено пользователем Chantal - 10 Ноябрь 2006 15:22

Последнее сообщение


10 Ноябрь 2006 14:00

Кол-во сообщений: 3785
Thx. A couple of remarks. I moved your comments into the comments field and only kept the tanslation in the main one. Are you sure for " its for the graphic industry" ? "It attach" is certainly "it attaches"?
You can edit your transaltion to correct, thx.