Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Completed translations

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Source language
Target language

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Source language
Arabic حواء في الجنة
انت لم تنصت إلي الحية بل أخطأت امي وأصغت لنداها

Completed translations
French Eve au Paradis
English You have not paid heed to the words of ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek hronia polla me ygeia kai epitihies sta...
hronia polla me ygeia kai epitihies sta mathimata sou kai stous ypolipous tomeis tis zohs sou...

ksianthia mpoumpou mou..... xronia sou polla!!! na se xairomaste! panta me ygeia, epituxies kai pollh agaph!!

Completed translations
English Happy birthday, be well and with lots of success...
Source language
Turkish seni oyle arzuluyorum kollarimin arasinda oksamak...
Seni öyle arzuluyorum kollarımın arasında okşamak isterim senin de beni okşamanı sonra da yıldızlara kadar yükselmeyi istiyorum öptüm meleker
before edits:
"seni oyle arzuluyorum kollarimin arasinda oksamak isterim senide beni oksamani sonrada yildizlarkadar yukselmeyi istiyorum optum meleker"


Completed translations
French désir
English I want you so much
Portuguese brazilian Eu quero muito você...
Source language
Czech Dobre ranko lasko moje!
Dobre ranko lasko moje! Jakpak si ses vyspinkal? Ja celkem dobre prospala sem vcera skoro cely den. Posilam moc pusinek a miluju te!
Byla jsem rybarit a bylo to nadherne, ale nic jsem nechytila. Moc ryb tam nebylo. Posilam pusinku.
British English please.

Completed translations
English Good morning my love!
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Czech Raspuns cerere loc de munca
Dobrý den,

toto je automatická odpověď systému LMC G2. Děkujeme za Váš zájem a potvrzujeme, že Vaše odpověď na pozici Call Centre Worker Speaking Romanian byla odeslána společnosti Internet shop s.r.o..

Completed translations
English Answer to a request of working application
Romanian Răspuns cerere loc de muncă
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English You're my everything too!!
You're my everything too!!

Completed translations
Spanish ¡Tú también eres mi todo!
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish senin için dil öğreniyorum
senin için dil öğreniyorum

Completed translations
English I am learning
Source language
Spanish te quiero mucho mi pequeñita
te quiero mucho mi pequeñita
tequenita ---> pequeñita

Completed translations
French Je t'aime très fort, ma minette.
Greek Σ' αγαπώ πολύ μικρή μου
Source language
French Chers amis. Je suis choquée par les ...
Chers amis.

Je suis choquée par les élèves qui jettent des papiers par terre, c'est un comportement impoli.
Nous voulons tous étudier dans un cadre agréable.
On ne doit pas jeter des papiers par terre et déranger nos amies. Je vous demande de respecter le réglement de l'école.
<edit> with diacritics, proper spaces and punctuation</edit> (06/17/francky)

Completed translations
Arabic Chers amis. Je suis choquée par les ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French soulage et repare les peaux abimees ou tres...
Soulage et répare les peaux abimées ou très desséchées.
Pénètre instantanément

Completed translations
Arabic يريح و يصلح البشرة المتلفة....
Source language
French Vive le peuple irakien!
Vive le peuple irakien!
<edit> Took "vivi irak" off the text as this is not French, and only one language at a time is authorized in the source-text</edit> (09/03/francky)

Completed translations
English Long life to Iraqis!
Arabic يحيا الشعب العراقي
Source language
Portuguese brazilian "Ser feliz sempre""Viva cada dia ...
"Ser feliz sempre"
"Viva cada dia como se fosse o último"
"Eu amo minha família"
São frases que gostaria de escolher para poder tatuar.

Completed translations
English "Be always happy" "Live each day as ...
French "Être toujours heureux" "Vivre chaque jour
Latinh "Felix semper es"
Arabic "كن دائما سعداء"
Italian "Essere sempre felici" "Viva ogni giorno...
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Bom dia meu amor, vamos namorar hoje? muitos...
Bom dia meu amor, vamos namorar hoje? muitos beijos meu gordinho
preferência pelo frances

Completed translations
French Bonjour mon amour
Spanish Buenos días mi amor
Arabic صباح الخير حبي
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French Préparer la pâte à choux. Mettre 150 g d'eau, le...
Mettre 150 g d'eau, le beurre, le sel et le sucre dans le bol et régler 5 min à 100°C vit 1.
Ajouter la farine et mixer 1min30 à vit3.
Laisser refroidir la pâte en plongeant le bol dans de l'eau froide quelques minutes.
Ajouter les oeufs un par un par l'orifice du bol sur les couteaux en marche à vit5 et mixer 30 s à vit 5.Disposer la pâte dans une poche à douille et faire des petits tas sur une plaque silicone, et enfourner pour 25 à 30 min.
Laisser les choux dans le four éteint pour qu'ils se dessèchent bien.

Completed translations
Romanian Pregătirea compoziției pentru eclere
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