Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
. .

Completed translations

Tìm kiếm
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Target language

Results 2561 - 2580 of about 105991
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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Uzun zamandır bu siteye girmiyorsun. Bir türlü...
Uzun zamandır bu web sitesine girmiyorsun. Bir türlü tanışamadık. Halâ tanışmak için beklediğimi bilmeni istiyorum. Aradan ne kadar zaman geçerse geçsin; bu mesajımı okuduktan sonra cevap yazarsan sevinirim. Çünkü ben mesajını hep bekliyor olacağım.
Aslına bakarsan benim bu web sitesinde olma nedenim sadece sensin.

Completed translations
English You haven't logged in
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Καλησπερα τι κανεις θα ηθελα να με ...
Καλησπέρα, τι κάνεις; Θα ήθελα να με ενημερώσεις σχετικά με τα τοπικά προϊόντα της περιοχής σου. Θέλω πολύ να σε επισκεφτώ τον επόμενο μήνα, οπότε θέλω μερικες πληροφορίες σύντομα...Σ'αγαπάω πολύ.Φιλάκια. Χαρά.

Completed translations
Spanish Buenas tardes; ¿cómo estás?
Source language
Italian -daje ale sfodera il tuo inglese!! bicosss?? ...
-daje ale sfodera il tuo inglese!! bicosss??

-Mitico bicos!!! Fede gente del genere si trova solo a ...

-davero... aà comunque torno sicuro a ferragosto... porco due ribaltamo tutto

-Easy direi.. Ti aspetto grande
Source-language is a Napolitan dialect

Completed translations
Polish Dalej Ale, zaprezentuj swój angielski!! Bicosss??...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English I'm The Miz..... And I'm Awesome
I'm The Miz..... And I'm Awesome

Completed translations
Spanish Yo soy "The Miz"...
Source language
Unknown language sei popo no stronzone. Pur'io ne vojo una così...
sei popo no stronzone
pur'io ne vojo una così quando torno. Ndo se prendono?
Source-language is a Napolitan dialect

Completed translations
Polish NaprawdÄ™ jesteÅ› dupkiem!
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Porque o universo sussurra aos meus ouvidos....
Porque o Universo sussurra aos meus ouvidos. Decifra-me ou devoro-te.
As Frases são para uma tatuagem que devo fazer. Ela remete a esfinge de "Édipo Rei". O universo na frase se refere ao conceito de Universo como sento Tudo o que existe e não como uma entidade específica.

Completed translations
English Because the Universe whispers in my ears ....
Latinh Quia mundus ad aures meas susurrat...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Love lives forever by the grace of ...
Love lives forever by the grace of God.

Completed translations
Latinh Amor Dei gratia semper vivit.
Source language
Italian Più ci penso e più mi accorgo che "compagnia" non...
Più ci penso e più mi accorgo che "compagnia" non è altro che una parola vuota, astratta, irreale, che presuppone a sua volta un concetto anche più astratto e irreale. Siamo da soli ad affrontare la vita, lo siamo sempre stati e sempre lo saremo. Nessun altro sarà lì accanto a noi in ogni momento cruciale e decisivo della nostra vita, nessuno. Sia perché questo rivelerebbe un elevato grado di perfezione dell'essere umano (e l'essere umano non è perfetto per definizione), sia perché alla fine le altre persone devono vivere la loro propria vita. Non contare su nessun altro al di fuori di te stesso, non sperare che arrivi qualcuno a salvare te o la situazione. Gli artefici della nostra vita siamo noi, e qualsiasi aiuto o supporto esterno che potrà giungerci sarà solo un frutto del caso, una coincidenza non prevista ed effimera, una cosa a cui sarà meglio non affidarsi all'occasione successiva.

Completed translations
Russian Чем больше я над этим размышляю
English The more I think of it, the more I realize that “company” is only …
Source language
French Non, rien de rien! Non, je ne regrette rien! Ni...
Non, rien de rien!
Non, je ne regrette rien!
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait,
Ni le mal,
Tout ça m'est bien égal!
extrait des paroles d'une chanson française

Titre de cette chanson : "Non, je ne regrette rien"(1956),
Paroles : Michel Vaucaire,
Musique : Charles Dumont.
Interprétée par Edith Piaf
en 1960 :

*About this song (In English) :,_je_ne_regrette_rien

Completed translations
English No, I regret nothing!...
Swedish Nej, ingenting ingenting...
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Deus ilumine, guie e proteja-me Dá-me força, amor...
Deus ilumine, guie e proteja-me
Dá-me força, amor e flores por todo o caminho
Queria mesmo era 'confirmar' a tradução. Fiquei com dúvidas porque uma pessoa me disse que seria:

Dio illuminare, guidare e proteggere me
Dammi forza, amore e fiori di tutta la strada

Completed translations
Italian dio
Source language
Russian Буду верной.
Буду верной.

Completed translations
Latinh Fidelis ero.
Greek Θα είμαι πιστή.
Source language
Bulgarian Здравей, Петя! Как си? Аз съм добре, училище...
Здравей, Петя!
Как си? Аз съм добре, учебната година почти приключи и съм готова за лятото! Много искам да се видим, кога ще идваш в България? Направила съм цял списък от неща, които трябва да направим през ваканцията. Ще отидем на море, ще ходим на вили и задължително ще отидем в музея, за който ти разказвах! Нямам търпение!
Целувки, Лили

Completed translations
Russian Здраствуй, Петя. Как ты? У меня все в порядке, школа…
Source language
Greek γενέ8λια
χρόνια πολλά !!! να τα εκατοστήσεις !!! να είσαι πάντα ευτυχισμένος !!! να είσαι πάντα καλά !!! φιλιά απο Ελλάδα !!!

Completed translations
Turkish Doğum günü
Source language
English Family is the only thing in life that lasts forever.
Family is the only thing in life that lasts forever.
Dette er en tanke til en tatovering, jeg kunne godt tænke mig at få det skrevet på latin, men tør ikke dy mig til en google translate eller nicetranslator. Så håber der en der kan hjælpe mig. :)

Completed translations
Latinh Familia sola res in vita est, quae semper permanet.
Source language
French Message à la connection de ma session
Salut Paul,

Tu vas sûrement pouvoir m'aider. Lorsque je me suis connectée ce matin sur ma session, j'ai le message suivant qui s'est affiché: ...

Mais je ne pense pas avoir modifié quelque chose sur ma page de démarrage windows.

Peux tu m'aider là dessus?

Merci d'avance
C'est un mail que j'envoie à un de mes collègues anglais qui fait partie du service technique.
C'est un anglais de "Accrington
Lancashire" UK. Merci d'avance

Completed translations
English Message when I logged on
Source language
English Whether you keep it or gift it, these ...
Whether you keep it or gift it, these exclusive designs feature some of the best places you’ve been — in person or in spirit.
The text will mainly target the Canadian market.

Completed translations
French Que vous les gardiez ou les offriez, ...
Source language
Polish Bardzo śmiesznie jest umierać...
Bardzo śmiesznie jest umierać
Kiedy żyć byś chciał
Nosić miano Olivera
Kiedy jesteÅ› Brown

Jak zabawnie chcieć i nie móc
Lub nie chcieć i móc
DziÅ› Romulus - jutro Remus
Jutro trup - dziś wódz

Chciałbyś lecieć za widnokrąg
Miasto Ci się śni
Czemu żyć chcesz Pinokio
W korowodzie złych dni

Bardzo śmiesznie wstawać rano
Kiedy spać byś chciał
I z twarzyczką zapłakaną
Wychodzić na raut

Jak zabawnie myśleć o czymś
Kiedy braknie słów
Prosto z pełni w sen wyskoczyć
W roześmiany nów

Chciałbyś słońca musisz moknąć
Myśląc w to mi graj
Nie umieraj Pinokio
Jeszcze jednÄ… noc trwaj
British English, please.

Completed translations
English It is pretty funny to die
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