Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek τελικα ειναι μεγαλο πραγμα η ζηλεια
τελικα ειναι μεγαλο πραγμα η ζηλεια

Completed translations
Spanish Al final, los celos son algo importante.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Lithuanian diplomas
rektorius patvirtina, kad 2006 metais baige magistranturos studiju teises psichologijos programa (valstybinis kodas XXXXX) ir jai suteiktas psichologijos magistro kvalifikacinis laipsnis

Completed translations
English diploma
Source language
Ukrainian Всеукраїнська благодійна організація "Турбота про...
Всеукраїнська благодійна організація "Турбота про літніх в Україні" є недержавною неприбутковою організацією, яка побудована на принципах само-та взаємодопомоги людей похилого віку, що діють на волонтерських засадах. Наша організація має філіали та підрозділи в 10 регіонах України об'єднуючи майже 2000 волонтерів. Діяльність нашої організації не коштує державі жодної гривні.

Completed translations
English The all-Ukrainian charity organization...
Source language
Lithuanian Ka veiksi rytoj?
Ka veiksi rytoj?

Completed translations
Spanish ¿Qué harás mañana?
Source language
Lithuanian kada ateisi?
kada ateisi?

Completed translations
Spanish ¿Cuándo vendrás?
Source language
Albanian Shtrihet rreth 6-7 km në juglindje të Therandës....
Shtrihet rreth 6-7 km në juglindje të Therandës.

Completed translations
English It extends for about 6-7 kilometres SouthEast of Therandës
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Javanese Sami mawon kulo tresno salawase.
Sami mawon kulo tresno salawase.

Completed translations
English I also love you forever
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish yağmur ...güneş kadar sıcak...kar tanesi kadar...
...güneş kadar sıcak...kar tanesi kadar berrak yağmur kadar saf ve temiz bir ömür dileğiyle...
doğum günün kutlu olsun

Completed translations
English Life
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish espero saber de ti
espero saber de ti

Completed translations
Turkish Seni tanımayı ümit ederim.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French je vous precise qu'en application des...
je vous precise qu'en application des dispositions de l'article 1 de l'ordonnance 45-2657 du 2 novembre 1945, modifiee par la loi n 98--349 du 11 mai 1998, les decisions de refus de visa d'entree en France prises par les autorites diplomatiques ou consularies, pour ce type de demande, ne sont pas motivees.

Completed translations
Turkish vize talebini red kararları
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English I know that bone injury is so painful. I feel...
I know that bone injury is so painful, and painkillers make u unaware of anything. I feel ur pain & pray for ur recovery. am sorry for being so noisy, , pressing, demanding. but it is so hard being unable to reach u, mad with worry. I'll stop contacting u ,I promise. it was so hard to talk with ur sis again.

Completed translations
Turkish Bedensel zararın
Source language
Russian нет сейчас я не в анталии я работаю моделью и...
нет сейчас я не в анталии
я работаю моделью и поэтому много путешествую, а дома бываю не более 2-х месяцев в году

Completed translations
Turkish Şimdi Antalya’da değilim Modelik yapıyorum
Source language
Spanish No sé qué me has hecho, pero no puedo no amarte.
No sé qué me has hecho, pero no puedo no amarte.

Completed translations
Turkish Bana ne yaptığını bilmiyorum, ama seni sevmemek imkansiz.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian Giovani Amministratori Crescono. I consigli...
Giovani Amministratori Crescono. I consigli Comunali dei Giovani in Europa tra partecipazione e democrazia diretta

Completed translations
Turkish Genç Yöneticiler yetişiyor......
Source language
Swedish Vill du gifta dig med mig? Vill du bli min man?
Vill du gifta dig med mig?

Vill du bli min man?
Ska tattoo in ett frieri

Completed translations
Icelandic Vilt þú giftast mér? Vilt þú vera maðurinn minn?
Turkish evlilik
Source language
Swedish När du kommer hem från armén kommer jag finnas...
Älskling, när du kommer hem från armén finnas jag här.

Dom dagar det känns svårt, blunda så finns jag där.

Älskar dig min stjärna!

Completed translations
Turkish Aşkım
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Tolerances
If the traceability sheet indicates that an FD -SS-2816 dimension report must be included for measurement with specific tolerances, these will be understood to be those which are expressed as a specific measurement whether this is a numeric or alphanumeric tolerance. Geometric tolerance indications are also considered to be explicit tolerances.

Completed translations
Turkish Sadece anlam
Source language
Romanian Super, ştii şi româneşte!
Super, ştii şi româneşte!

Completed translations
Turkish super romanca biliyorsun!
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