Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Source language
Greek Οι Soulreel δυο χρόνια σχεδόν μετά ...
Οι Soulreel δυο χρόνια σχεδόν μετά την πρώτη τους δισκογραφική δουλειά με τίτλο “Delicious House Cartel”, επιστρέφουν ανανεωμένοι με μια ολοκαίνουργια συλλογή.
“Feel the Soulful Essence” ο τίτλος της, εμπνευσμένος από το deep και soulful ύφος που τους χαρακτηρίζει αλλά και από τα Dj & Radio Shows που κατά καιρούς έχουν επιμεληθεί.
Η συλλογή κυκλοφορεί από την Planetworks και απευθύνεται σε όλους τους music lovers, που ψάχνουν να ακούσουν κάτι ποιοτικό, αισθησιακό, εναλλακτικό και πλήρως ξεσηκωτικό

Completed translations
English Soulreel
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Που εισαι ρε φιλαρακι? Εχεις καιρο να μπεις μεσα....
Που εισαι ρε φιλαρακι? Εχεις καιρο να μπεις μεσα. Συμβαινει κατι γιατι δεν σε εβλεπα καλα τελευταια? Δεν πιστευω να κανεις καμια τρελα για το θεμα που λεγαμε θα εισαι μαλακας. Παρε τηλεφωνο περιμενω και ψυχραιμια.

Completed translations
English Where have you been, my friend?
Source language
French Cependant, suite à la forte actualité sportive de...
Cependant, suite à la forte actualité sportive de ces derniers jours, aucun des articles de votre commande n'est disponible pour le moment.
Votre commande a été mise en attente le temps de recevoir votre ou vos produit(s). Ce délai d'attente ne devrait pas dépasser 4 semaines maximum.
Si vous ne souhaitez pas attendre vous pouvez échanger les articles commandés ou annuler votre commande en nous contactant par :

Completed translations
Greek Καθυστέρηση παραγγελίας
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Kai tora pou den exoume logokrisia boroume na...
Kai tora pou den exoume logokrisia boroume na leme oti theloume...EGINE LOGOKRISIA...KAI GIA AUTO EGINE LOGOKRISIA...

Completed translations
English And now that censorship...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Prota o Sotiris, tora esy file Niko... na me...
Prota o Sotiris, tora esy file me perimenete na kanoume parea

Completed translations
English First Sotiris, now you...
Portuguese Primeiro Sotiris, agora tu, meu amigo Nikos...
10Source language10
Portuguese brazilian Quero que você saiba o quanto eu gosto de vc e da...
Quero que você saiba, o quanto eu gosto de você e da nossa amizade.... Nunca esqueça disso beijos de sua amiga.

Completed translations
Turkish seni kadar sevdiÄŸimi bilmeni istiyorum ve...
Source language
English The days were passing quietly, but we were getting...
The days were passing quietly, but we were getting bored. We wondered what was happening in town and so I decided to go and find out. But people in town thought I was dead.

Completed translations
Turkish :)
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German Und Schlaf gut und danke nochmals wegen des...
Und Schlaf gut und danke nochmals wegen des Fahrens am Montag

Auf Wiedersehen

Completed translations
Albanian Dhe fli mirë dhe të falendëroj edhe njëherë ...
Croatian Lepo spavaj i hvala još jednom...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian Ciao, spero di conoscerti...presto, i balli...
Ciao, spero di conoscerti...presto, i balli sporchi piacciono anche a me
baci dove preferisci Stefano
inglese britannico

Completed translations
English Hello, I hope I'll meet you soon
Albanian Përshëndetje, shpresoj të të takoj së shpejti ...
Source language
Spanish como estas? he buscado un traductor de turco...
como estas? he buscado un traductor de turco a ver si nos podemos comunicar mejor

Completed translations
Turkish Nasılsın? Bir Türkçe çevirmen arıyordum.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese Não viva para que sua presença seja notada, mas...
Não viva para que sua presença seja notada, mas para que sua falta seja sentida

Completed translations
Turkish varlığını farketmemiz için değil, yokluğunu hissetmemiz için yaşa.
187Source language187
German Mein Schatz ich liebe dich überalles
Mein Schatz ich liebe dich überalles

Completed translations
English My sweetie..
Turkish Aşkım seni herşeyden çok seviyorum
Russian Мое сокровище, я люблю тебя больше всех на свете.
Bosnian Drago moje, volim te više nego ikoga.
Romanian Comoara mea, te iubesc mai presus de tot.
Slovak Môj miláčik
Bulgarian Съкровище мое, от ..
Serbian Draga moja volim te iznad svega.
Italian Tesoro mio, ti amo prima di ogni cosa!
Portuguese brazilian Minha querida, amo você acima de tudo
Czech Můj miláčku, nade vše tě miluji
Arabic عزيزي أحبّك قبل كلّ شيء
Hungarian Kincsem, mindennél jobban imádlak.
Greek Γλυκιά μου...
Danish Min skat, jeg elsker dig over alt
Finnish Kultaseni, rakastan sinua yli kaiken
Dutch Mijn schatje, ik hou meer van je dan van wat dan ook.
Portuguese Minha querida, amo-te acima de tudo.
Ukrainian моє щастя!
Spanish Tesoro mío
Albanian Shpirti im, të dua për së tepërmi.
Tiếng Hàn 나의 사랑, ì–´ë–¤ 일이 있어도 나는 너를 사랑해.
French Mon amour, je t'aime plus que tout.
Mongolian Би чамд хамгаас илvv хайртай
Chinese 我的甜心,我对你的爱高于一切!
Croatian Drago moje
Persian language عزیزم، تو را از هر چیزی بیشتر دوست دارم.
Người Hy Lạp cổ đại á½® χρυσίον, σὲ φιλέω ὑπὲρ τῶν ἄλλων.
Source language
English Engagement in disciplinary content and methods:...
1. Engagement in disciplinary content and methods: The task ask students to use metods of inquiry, research, or communication characteristic of an academic or professional discipline

2. Disiplinary Content: The task ask the student to show understanding and/or uses ideas, theories, or perspectives considered central to an academic or professional discipline

Completed translations
Turkish Disiplinle ilgili içerik içindeki yükümlülük ve yöntemler
Source language
Serbian nisi zanimljiv
nisi zanimljiv

Completed translations
Albanian Ti nuk je interesant
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German sedi
Bist du viel am bell. stadelhoffe?, hani irgendwo da im forum gläse, oder hanis falsch verstande?

Completed translations
Albanian sedi
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Be very patient! I kiss you. I want to feel you...
Be very patient! I kiss you. I want to feel you next to me now.

Completed translations
Turkish Çok sabırlı ol !
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Ottoman Empire has got larger lines than Turkey.
Ottoman Empire has got larger lines than Turkey.

Completed translations
Turkish Osmanlı İmparatorluğu
Source language
Turkish iyi geceler meleÄŸim
iyi geceler meleÄŸim

Completed translations
Italian buonanotte angelo mio..
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Dutch Liefde alleen is niet genoeg
Liefde is niet genoeg als we niet zelfde denken over wat goed of fout is.
Het is vreselijk,ik hield oneindig veel van je maar liefde overwint niet alles, geen bedrog en leugens.
Triest einde van relatie

Completed translations
Italian Solamente l´amore...
Albanian Vetëm dashuria...
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