Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Source language
Lithuanian Brangus VOlkeri, Noretume tapti jusu agentu...
Brangus VOlkeri, Noretume tapti jusu agentu Baltijos salyse

Completed translations
English Dear Valkeris, we would like to be your agent...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian Am o brăţară şi un lanţ de aur şi aş ...
Am o brăţară şi un lanţ de aur şi aş vrea să ştiu dacă mă puteţi ajuta să-l pot vinde adică dacă ştiţi pe cineva care cumpără aur. Brăţara are 24 de grame şi lanţul 23 de grame. Şi ce m-ar interesa să ştiu cât costă aici gramul de aur pentru că cineva mi-a zis că in jur de 100 de dolari

Completed translations
English I have a gold bracelet and a gold chain
Source language
Romanian Prieten inseamna cineva care desi nu are acelasi...
Prieten înseamnă cineva care deşi nu are acelaşi sânge ca şi tine, face parte din familie.

Completed translations
English Friend means somebody who , even though doesn’t have the same blood as you, is a part of the family.
Source language
Turkish soyadımızın aynı olması sadece tesadüf,akraban...
soyadımızın aynı olması sadece tesadüf,akraban değilim.Sadece basit bir arkadaşlık istemiştim,Beni silmene gerek yoktu,10.000km öteden seni rahatsız etmek,kafanı karıştırmak istemezdim.kusura bakma,kendine iyi bak,

Completed translations
English a coincidence
Source language
Swedish hej jag vill få översatt detta
hej jag vill få översatt detta

Completed translations
English Hi, I want to have this translated.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Serbian ..ova fotka je sa proslogogodisnje zurke na plazi...ljubim vas
..ova fotka je sa proslogogodisnje zurke na plazi...ljubim vas

Completed translations
English This is the picture
Dutch Dit is de foto van de strandfuif van vorig jaar .... kus voor jullie.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese brazilian Você é especial, te adoro.
Você é especial, te adoro.
Eu gostaria que algum colega pudesse traduzir para o alemao, por favor... Grato pela informacao!!!

Completed translations
English You are special, I adore you.
Greek Είσαι ξεχωριστή, σε λατρεύω.
French Tu es spécial, je t'adore.
Latinh Es extraordinarius, te adoro
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Submission rules
Submission rules

[1] NO "TRANSLATION" OF NAMES. does not accept name translations anymore, except inside a larger text whose sole purpose is not the name translation itself.

[2] NO DUPLICATE REQUESTS. Before submitting your text to be translated, please perform a search using some significant words of your text to find whether it has already been translated on

[3] NO HOMEWORK. The goal of is not to do your homework. This kind of request will be removed by the administrators.

[4] NO SINGLE OR ISOLATED WORDS. is not a dictionary and will only accept requests for translations of single or isolated words when a good reason has been given in the request comments.

[5] PUNCTUATION, ACCENTS AND ORIGINAL SCRIPT ARE REQUIRED. If you are a native speaker of the text's source language, you should submit your text in the original script of the language, with all punctuation and accents required by that language. If not, your request may be removed by the administrators.

[6] PROOFREAD YOUR TEXT. If you have written or transcribed your text yourself, please check it for errors, even if you don't know the language it is written in. Texts with errors are very difficult for translate.

[7] EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT. Write a comment about your request, explaining the context. Unclear texts can lead to request removal.

Completed translations
Arabic قواعد المشاركة
Lithuanian Interneto svetainÄ—s taisyklÄ—s
Finnish Käännöspyyntöjen lähettämistä koskevat säännöt
Albanian Rregullat e paraqitjes
Source language
English Hi Im a boy from Norway, and im after some...

Im a boy from Norway, and im after some friends from every contry in the world

If you want know someting about me, just ask

Completed translations
Finnish Hei! Olen Norjassa asuva poika ja haluaisin löytää...
Swedish Hej Jag är en kille från Norge, och jag söker
Danish Hi Im a boy from Norway, and im after some...
Source language
Latinh Quam minimum credula postero
Quam minimum credula postero
dos EUA

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Confia o mínimo no amanhã.
English Trust in tomorrow
Source language
English Wortgruppen
Love and death embrace;

In my sweetest dreams I'm with you;

Join me in death
Ich überlege mir ob ich mir die drei Wortgruppen getrennt voneinander tätowieren lassen soll und hätte deswegen gern eine grammatische und rechtschreib fehler freie Übersetzung, da ich kein finnisch kann und auch sonst keinen kenne der das kann.

Completed translations
Finnish Sanaryhmä
Source language
German Liebe Eltern, liebe Mitglieder Die deutsche...
Liebe Eltern, liebe Mitglieder

Die deutsche Sprache ist schwierig, und erst noch das
"Schwiizertütsch"! Bei uns gehören alle zur grossen Fussball-Familie.
Deshalb wollen wir helfen: Wenn Sie in Zukunft zu einem Elternabend
eingeladen sind und Sie sich Unterstützung wünschen, können Sie sich
an unseren Ãœbersetzer wenden.

Completed translations
Serbian Dragi roditelji, dragi članovi
Source language
Turkish canım.sen güzel ve özel bir kişisin.seni...
canım.sen güzel ve özel bir kişisin.seni tanıdığım için çok mutluyum.seni düşünerek uyudum.günaydın bir tanem.

Completed translations
Serbian Srce moje. Ti si lepa i posebna osoba...
Source language
Turkish sadece arkadaÅŸ olmak istemiÅŸtim
sadece arkadaÅŸ olmak istemiÅŸtim

Completed translations
Serbian Samo sam želeo da budem prijatelj
English I only wanted to be friends with you
Source language
Italian tu mi manchi quei pochi giorni sono...
tu mi manchi quei pochi giorni sono stato davvero bene con te, non ti dimenticherò mai perchè sei davvero speciale per me. Ti voglio bene
è una frase per una ragazza alla quale tengo davvero tanto con la quale mi tengo in contatto e siccome parla poco inglese cerco di arrangiarmi io col serbo

Completed translations
Serbian Toliko mi nedostaješ...
Source language
French j'aime faire l'amour avec toi
j'aime faire l'amour avec toi

Completed translations
Spanish Me gusta hacer el amor contigo.
Source language
Turkish merhaba p, nasılsın,umarım tatilini iyi...
merhaba p., nasılsın,umarım tatilini iyi geçiyordur. seni çok özledim. beni unutma aşkım
Female name abbreviated <goncin />.

Completed translations
Greek Γεια σου Π. τι κάνεις;
Source language
English We want to thank you deeply for the good...
We want to thank you deeply for the good experience we had when we were at your place, and together with you. Forgive us if we did anything to hurt you. We just didnt want to be in your way or to bother you. We want so much to show you deep respect and how deep you touched our hearts. Mother often feels like a stranger in this world, and here her heart and soul found peace. That is why she left her "heart" at your place. If it's ok, she want's to visit you next summer.
Good bless you!

Completed translations
Greek Θέλουμε να σας ευχαριστήσουμε ειλικρινά για την όμορφη...
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