147 Source language hi incisu hello! how are you? I am so happy about your mails... and fotos! thank you. I am good but ihave many work........ and i havenot time to see my mail! many kisses Dimitrios Completed translations merhaba incisu | |
210 Source language A. S. A. S., and the other able writers to whom I have alluded, not having viewed correctly the principles of rent, have, it appears to me, overlooked many important truths, which can only be discovered after the subject of rent is thoroughly understood. Male name abbr. /pias 080723 Completed translations A. S. | |
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422 Source language![10 10](../images/topfav0.gif) sta ce meni vise od toga Prolazi ovaj zivot kao reka i na kraju sta te ceka odlazis ova noc i moja tuga evo ide neka druga dolazi ziveo bih samo nocu. Dane, ne bih dao zora jos da svane Sta je zivot, par koraka malo tuge i merkaka, malo brate, malo, malo je Prolazi mnogo zena pored mene, mnogo vina mi kroz vene, prolazi Dolazi novo ljeto, novi ljudi svaka ljubav nadu budi, dolazi necu vise da tugujem, necu Necu vise da bolujem, necu Ja nemogu bez jarana, Vina, zena i kafana, Meni treba sto jarana Completed translations Γιατί να χÏειάζομαι πεÏισσότεÏο από αυτό | |
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