Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Completed translations

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Source language
Dutch Hey baby, We zouden niets doen aan valentijn,...
Hey baby,
We zouden niets doen aan valentijn, maar toch nog iets van mij,

Schatje, ik hou van je.

Completed translations
Serbian Zdravo seceru, nista ne mozemo da ucinimo......
English Hey sweetie, We shouldn't do anything about Valentine,...
Source language
English Che Guevara Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (June...
Che Guevara
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (June 14, 1928 - October 9, 1967) was a follower of Karl Marx and a doctor who was born in Argentina. He led many soldiers in Cuba. He is commonly called Che Guevara or El Che.

When he was in college, he learned about medicine. While he learned, he traveled and saw how poor some people were. He started to think that only fighting could solve this.

Later, he fought for Fidel Castro in Cuba and helped place the Communist government in power in 1959.

Completed translations
Turkish Che Guavera
Source language
Italian Che la felicità di questo giorno vi accompagni...
Che la felicità di questo giorno vi accompagni per tutta la vita. Molti auguri da Carmela e da tutta la sua famiglia.

Completed translations
Spanish Que la felicidad de este día os acompañe
Source language
Romanian Te iubesc şi nu vreau să ne desparţim...
Te iubesc şi nu vreau să ne despărţim niciodată.Îmi doresc să fac dragoste cu tine dar nu vreau să crezi că sunt o uşuratică.În trei ani de zile eu nu am ştiut nimic de tine şi îmi este foarte greu acum să aleg între tine şi prietenul meu. Părinţii noştri nu vor fi de acord cu relaţia noastră. Mi-e greu să stau lângă prietenul meu şi să mă gândesc la tine.

Completed translations
Greek Σε αγαπώ και δεν θέλω να χωρίσουμε…
Turkish Seni seviyorum ve hiçbir zaman ...
50Source language50
German Entschuldigung, ich spreche kein Deutsch.
Entschuldigung, ich spreche kein Deutsch.
WICHTIG: Bitte ersetzen Sie "Deutsch" durch die Sprache, in die Sie übersetzen.
<Remark from the admins> Please change the word "Deutsch" into the name of the language you are translating into.

Completed translations
English Sorry, I don't speak English.
French Désolé(e), je ne parle pas français.
Spanish Perdóname, yo no hablo español.
Catalan Em sap greu, no parlo català.
Italian Scusami, io non parlo italiano.
Arabic آسف ، أنا لا أتكلّم عربي.
Portuguese Desculpe-me, eu não falo português.
Portuguese brazilian Desculpe-me, eu não falo português.
Dutch Sorry, ik spreek geen Nederlands
Latinh Mihi molestum est Latinum sermonem non cognoscere.
Greek Συγνώμη, δε μιλώ Ελληνικά
Turkish Özür dilerim
Romanian Îmi pare rău, dar nu vorbesc româneşte
Hebrew סליחה, אינני מדבר עברית.
Japanese ごめんなさい、日本語は話しません。
Chinese 對不起,我不會蕐語
Serbian Zao mi je, ne govorim srpski
Danish Undskyld, jeg kan ikke tale dansk.
Lithuanian Atsiprašau, aš nekalbu lietuviškai.
Russian Извините, я не говорю по-русски.
Esperanto Mi bedaÅ­ras, mi ne parolas Esperanton.
Tiếng Faroe Orsaka, eg tosi ikki føroyskt.
Bulgarian Съжалявам, не говоря български.
Finnish Anteeksi, minä en puhu suomea.
Chinese simplified 对不起,我不会说普通话
Czech Promiňte, nemluvím česky.
Hungarian Sajnos, nem beszélek magyarul.
Croatian Žao mi je, ne govorim hrvatski.
Swedish Ursäkta, jag talar inte svenska.
Polish Niestety, nie mówię po polsku.
Albanian Më vjen keq, nuk flas shqip.
Norwegian Unnskyld, jeg snakker ikke norsk.
Slovak Prepáčte, nehovorím po slovensky.
Tiếng Hàn 미안합니다, 저는 한국어를 í•  줄 모릅니다.
Estonian Vabandage, ma ei räägi eesti keelt.
Klingon vIjatlhlaHbe'
Icelandic Því miður, ég tala ekki íslensku.
Afrikaans Jammer, ek praat nie Afrikaans nie.
Irish Gabh mo leithscéal, ní labhraím Gaeilge.
Hindi क्षमा कीजिए। मैं जर्मन भाषा नहीं बोलता।
Thai ขอโทษ ผมพูดไทยไม่ได้
Source language
Turkish gunesleniyorum

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Estou tomando sol.
Source language
Hungarian Recado orkut Mate Gelencser
szevasz buzi. palyazatot inditok hogy ki a legmetroszexualisabb braziliaban... remelem ram szavazol:)

Completed translations
English Orkut's scrapbook of Mate Gelencser
Portuguese brazilian Recado no Orkut Mate Gelencser
166Source language166
English Only God Can Judge Me
Only God Can Judge Me

Completed translations
Arabic الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
Italian Solo Dio può giudicarmi
French Dieu seul peut me juger
Spanish Solamente Dios puede juzgarme
Portuguese Só Deus me pode julgar
Turkish Beni sadece Allah yargılayabilir
Portuguese brazilian Somente Deus pode me julgar.
English Only God can judge me
Latinh Deus solus me judicare potest
English Only god can judge me
Italian Solamente Dio può giudicarmi
Arabic الله فقط يمكنه محاسبتي
Greek Μόνο ο Θεός μπορεί να με κρίνει
Latinh Deus solus iudicare me potest
Chinese simplified 只有上帝可以审判我
Japanese 神のみが私を裁くことができるのだ
Arabic الله وحده يستطيع محاسبتي أو محاكمتي
Chinese 只有上帝可...
French Dieu seul peut me juger
Portuguese brazilian Somente Deus pode...
Russian Бог
Polish Tylko Bóg może mnie osądzić...
Hebrew רק אלוהים יכול לשפוט אותי
Latinh Deus Solus Potest Me Iudicare
Ukrainian Лише Бог може судити мене.
Esperanto Nur Dio povas juĝi min
Tiếng Hàn 오직 하나님만이 나를 심판하실 수 있다
Danish Kun Gud kan dømme mig
Serbian Samo Bog može da mi sudi
Swedish Endast Gud kan döma mig
Dutch Alleen God kan over mij oordelen
Bulgarian Само Бог може да ме съди
Croatian Samo Bog mi može suditi
German Nur Gott kann über mich urteilen.
Bosnian Samo Bog može da mi sudi.
Lithuanian Tiktai Dievas gali mane teisti
Hungarian Csak Isten ítélhet meg engem.
Albanian Vetëm Zoti mund të më gjykojë
Chinese 只有上帝能審判我。
Indonesian Hanya Tuhan dapat mengadili saya
Czech Jenom Bůh mně může posoudit
Hindi केवल भगवान ही मेरा विचार कर सकते हैं.
Mongolian Бурхан шvvх эрхтэй
Icelandic Aðeins Guð getur dæma mig.
Tiếng Faroe Bert Gud kann døma meg.
Catalan Només Déu em pot jutjar.
Người Hy Lạp cổ đại Mόνος ὁ Θεός δύναται με διακρίνειν.
Persian language تنها خدا می‌تواند در باره‌ی من داوری کند.
Tiếng Việt Chỉ có Chúa má»›i có thể phán xét tôi
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