Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Completed translations

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Target language

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Source language
Icelandic Páll segir
Páll segir greinilegt að Eyjafjallajökull og Katla séu tengd. Þessi systkin sitji hlið við hlið og hafi áhrif hvort á annað, þótt Katla sé miklu hættulegri.

Completed translations
English Páll says that it is obvious that ...
Danish farlig
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese tu és a pessoa mas especial que ja conheci,e...
tu és a pessoa mas especial que ja conheci,e agora que te encontrei nunca mais te deixarei,quero-te aqui hoje e sempre do meu lado amo-te como nunca pensei amar alguêm.

Completed translations
English You are the most special person...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English I just wanna be happy
I just wanna be happy

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Eu só quero ser feliz.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek δουλος βλεπει διακονον
δουλος βλεπει διακονον

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Servo vê diácono
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French Il avait la langue torte.
Il avait la langue torte.
Une mode ou manière de parler à lui en parlant.

Completed translations
English twisted tongue
Source language
French Déchets nucléaires envoyés en Russie
Le nucléaire est une énergie sale qui produit des milliers de tonnes de déchets, chaque mois la France en exporte environ 1200 tonnes vers la Russie. Nous avons besoin de vous pour stopper ce scandale en finançant une action d'envergure afin d'obliger le gouvernement français à interdire le transport de déchets nucléaires.
Lu dans un courrier de Greenpeace.

Completed translations
Romanian Deşeuri nucleare trimise în Rusia
Spanish Residuos nucleares enviados a Rusia
English Nuclear waste sent to Russia
Swedish Kärnavfall skickades till Ryssland
Italian Residui nucleari mandati in Russia
German Nach Russland versendeter Atommüll
Portuguese brazilian Resíduos nucleares enviados para a Rússia
Russian Ядерные отходы - в Россию
Turkish Nükleer atıklar Rusya'ya gönderildi.
Greek Πυρηνικά απόβλητα στέλνονται στη Ρωσία
Arabic النفايات النووية المرسلة إلى روسيا
Source language
English We always used to wear elegant clothes but they...
We always used to wear elegant clothes but they were very uncomfortable.Women today wear comfortable clothes.

Completed translations
Turkish Şık giysiler
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French Tu sais quoi?Franchement, je ...
Tu sais quoi?
Franchement, je commence à t'adorer, t'es vraiment trop sensible.
Bonne journée!

Before edit : "tu sait koi
franchement je commence a tadorer tes vraimen trop sensible"
bonne journee <edit></edit> (03/12/francky thanks to Lene's notification)

Completed translations
Arabic هل تعلم؟ بصراحة بدأت أحبك
Portuguese brazilian Você sabe que mais?
English You know what?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Albanian qeshtu koleg ti po mson frangjisht a ? ncncnnc...
qeshtu koleg ti po mson frangjisht a ?
ncncnnc ...qu more hajde ne kurs sa pin kafe ton diten

Nuk po muj se tash kam fillu gjermanisht ne daad

Completed translations
English So Colleague
Dutch Collega
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Hak ÅŸerleri hayreyler..
Hak ÅŸerleri hayreyler,
Zannetme ki gayreyler,
Görelim Mevlam neyler,
Neylerse güzel eyler.
Before edit:

Completed translations
English HAk
49Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".49
Turkish Göllenmiş at israrında yüzen sinek...
Göllenmiş at idrarında yüzen saman çöpüne konan sinek, idrar birikintisini deryâ, saman çöpünü gemi, kendini de kaptân-ı deryâ sanır.

Completed translations
English Captain fly
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish maÅŸallah maÅŸllah allah daim etsin..
maÅŸallah maÅŸllah allah daim etsin..

Completed translations
English God bless, God bless, may God make it last.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek ονειρεψου με,μα μη μ'αγγιζεις.
ονειρεψου με,μα μη μ'αγγιζεις.

Completed translations
English Dream of me, but don't touch me.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish ben su an senden basasini dusunemiyor istemiyorum...
Ben şu an senden başkasını düşünemiyor istemiyorum. Her anım seninle geçsin istiyorum. Seni her gün geçtikçe daha da arzuluyorum.
before edit:ben su an senden basasini dusunemiyor istemiyorum her anim seninle gecsin istiyorum. Seni her gun gectikce dahada arzuluyorum./cheesecake

Completed translations
Dutch niemand anders dan jou
English Now, I cannot think of anyone but you ...
Source language
Danish Jeg betaler min skat og drikker min kaffe. Er jeg...
Jeg betaler min skat
og drikker min kaffe.
Er jeg så en god borger?
Eller har jeg blot snydt mig selv?

Completed translations
French Je paie mes impots et bois mon café....
English fool
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Nice! I just got off work and finally ...
Nice! I just got off work and finally got some time to relax!
Which site did I send you a message from again?
*I now a way for us to chat and have a better time.. Have you got a webcam?

Before edit : "nice, I just got off work and finally got some time to relax which site did i msg you from again?
* I know a way we can chat and have a better time.. do you cam?" <edit></edit>

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Legal
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Unknown language Bidh an t-ubhal as fheàrr air a’mheangan as àirde
Bidh an t-ubhal as fheàrr air a’mheangan as àirde
Scottish Gaelic.

Completed translations
English The best apple is on the highest bough.
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