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Dịch - Croatian-English - Već duže vrijeme imam problema s zdravljem.Sada...

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Već duže vrijeme imam problema s zdravljem.Sada...
Submitted by Ozrenka
Source language: Croatian

Već duže vrijeme imam problema s zdravljem.Sada me najviše muči bol u području lumbalne kralježnice nakon pada sa skala.Osim toga zuji mi u glavi,imam vrtoglavice,bolan pritisak u ušima, naročito u lijevom uhu.
Teško manifestiram novac potreban za svakodnevne potrebe.Zašto?

I have had health problems for a long time now. Right now...

Translated by lakil
Target language: English

I have had health problems for a long time now. Right now, my biggest trouble is pain in the area of lumbar spine, that appeared after the the scales fell off. Besides that, there is a humming noise in my head, dizziness, and painful pressure in my ears, especially in the left ear.
Remarks about the translation
Teško manifestiram novac potreban za svakodnevne potrebe.Zašto?

Is this suppose to be here? It does not seem to go along with the rest of the text...
Validated by dramati - 26 Tháng 1 2008 16:08