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48Dịch - Romanian-English - poezie de iubire

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Nhóm chuyên mục Literature - Arts / Creation / Imagination

poezie de iubire
Submitted by MÃ¥ddie
Source language: Romanian


ÃŽÅ£i spun...
M-ai săruta pe obraz,
M-aş spăla,
Cu băgare de seamă
De teamă
Să nu tulbur
Limpezimea sărutului tău...

ÃŽÅ£i spun...
M-ai mîngîia pe creştet,
M-aş pieptăna
Cu băgare de seamă
De teamă
Să nu-ntin
Mireasma atingerii tale...

ÃŽÅ£i spun...
Mi-ai şopti că mă iubeşti,
AÅŸ respira
Cu băgare de seamă
De teamă
Să nu risipesc
Vraja ÅŸoaptelor tale...
Remarks about the translation
doresc sa traduceti acest poem in asa fel incit mesajul sa ramina nealterat chiar daca forma sufera unele mici modificari.multumesc

Love poem

Translated by MÃ¥ddie
Target language: English

I’m telling you...
You kissed me on my cheek
I would wash carefully
For fear
Of disturbing
The clarity of your kiss…

I’m telling you...
You caressed the top of my head,
I would comb
For fear
Of staining
The scent of your touch

I’m telling you...
You whispered you loved me
I would breath
For fear
Of scattering
The spell
Of your whispers...
Remarks about the translation
Hope this will help. I have seen this text is waiting for a translation for some time and maybe it will be easier with a bridge in English.
Validated by lilian canale - 17 Tháng 5 2008 15:53

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16 Tháng 5 2008 22:52

lilian canale
Tổng số bài gửi: 14972
Hi Madeleine,

This must be a really nice text, I say "must be" trusting your excellent version in English.
I just suggest a small change in structure:
when you say "for fear not to disturb" I would rather say: "for fear of diturbing" and the same, every time this words appear.

What do you think?

17 Tháng 5 2008 10:50

Tổng số bài gửi: 1285
Hi Lilian,

I'll change it. And in my opinion, yes, it is a very nice poem
