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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Brasiliaanse Portugees Gigante pela própria...
Gigante pela própria natureza
Quero fazer uma tatuagem com essa frase em hebraico

Vertalings gedaan
Grieks Γίγαντας...
Source language
Brasiliaanse Portugees Se você não pode vencê-los, junte-se à eles.
Se você não pode vencê-los, junte-se à eles.

Vertalings gedaan
Arabies اذا كنت لا تستطيع ..
Grieks Αν...
Source language
Engels Situation awareness about the catastrophe taking...
Situation awareness about the catastrophe taking place in the Palestinian lands
The gerundive is to signify that the catastrophe is not an event of the past but is rather continuous and long-term.

Vertalings gedaan
Portugees Conscientização...
Spaans La conciencia de la situación sobre ...
Hongaars Tájékoztatás a ...
Deens Bevidsthed om situationen omkring den katastrofe...
Turks Filistin topraklarında
Bulgaars Осъзнатост за
Nederlands de bewustwording
Russies Осведомленность о ситуации
Noors Oppmerksomhet om den situasjon der finder sted...
Romeens Conştientizarea situaţiei privitoare la catastrofele ce...
Sweeds Situationsmedvetenhet kring katastrofen
Grieks Επίγνωση καταστάσεως
Pools Świadomość sytuacji w obliczu katastrofy ...
Arabies إدراك الأوضاع المفجعة الّتي تعرفها الأراضي الفلسطينيّة
Fins Tietoisuus tilanteesta, joka koskee katastrofia...
Hebreeus מודעות לאסון המתרחש
Serwies Svest o katastrofi
Oekraïenies Обізнаність у ситуації, що стосується катастрофи на території Палестини
Duits Situationsbewusstsein für die Katastrophe stattfindend auf palästinensischem Staatsboden.
Source language
Turks mail için teşekkür ederim. istemi olduğumuz ...
mail icin tesekkür ederim.

istemis olduğumuz modellerin,stoklarda olmadığınızı söylediniz.

Bunları bir sekilde tedarik etme olasılıgımız varmı var ise mevcut olan siparisimizdeki modelleri bunları konteynıra yukleyip digerlerini yeni yüklemeye koyardık
bu konuyla ilgili acil cevap bekliyoruz.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Thanks for your mail
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turks sensiz olmak kalbimi acıtıyor.varlığına çabuk...
sensiz olmak kalbimi acıtıyor.varlığına çabuk alışmışken yokluğuna alışamıyorum.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Not being with you hurts my heart. ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgaars това беше много яко
Хапя,скубя и дера много яко.после ше се чудят какво животно те е нападнало
американски диалект

Vertalings gedaan
Engels това беше много яко ENG
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Grieks θελω να με αφησετε μονη
θελω να με αφησετε μονη

Vertalings gedaan
Engels I want you to leave me alone.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Grieks Γιατί μικροαστός σε μεγάλωσε
Γιατί μικροαστός σε μεγάλωσε,μικροαστός σε έστειλε σχολείο,μικροαστός σε έκανε φίλο του και μικροαστός θα σε κλάψει όταν ψοφήσεις.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Because it was a petty bourgeois that brought you up
Source language
Fins Haaparantalainen Roland Cevallos voitti...
Haaparantalainen Roland Cevallos voitti valokuvauskilpailun "Elamaarajalla 2009" toisen osakilpailun kuvallaan Majbrasan

Vertalings gedaan
Spaans fuego de mayo
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Grieks Ελπίζω να κατανοήτε πως η βοήθειά σας θα...
Ελπίζω να κατανοήτε πως η βοήθειά σας θα αποκαταστήσει την εικόνα της εταιρίας σας που πλήττεται από την συγκεκριμένη συμπεριφορά των πελατών σας.
αφορά επιστολή προς διευθυντή παρόχου τηλεφωνίας και ίντερνετ του εξωτερικού οι χρήστες του οποίου προσπαθούν να "επιτεθούν" (hack) σε ελληνική ιστοσελίδα.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels I hope you understand that your help will...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels This agreement shall be governed by ...
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English laws without giving effect to its choice of law provisions. Any unresolved disputes relating to this agreement shall be submitted to binding arbitration conducted in accordance with the arbitration act 1996 (England and Wales). The site of the arbitration shall be in London, England and the cost of the arbitration and the apportionment thereof, including fees for the arbitrator, shall be determined by the arbitrator.

Vertalings gedaan
Romeens Acest contract va fi guvernat ÅŸi constituit
Source language
Engels We loved to ride our bikes Playin’ hide and seek...
We loved to ride our bikes
Playin’ hide and seek
Sneeking all the night
Dancing in the street
She loved to play with fire
I should have seen it in her eyes
She fell in love for the first time
He was older than her
Then he made her do things
First she wouldn’t dare
She left everything behind
Couldn’t find a place
Running through the night
Loosing all her faith
She drugs away the pain
Turning off her lies
But still he makes her see like
Everything’s alright

Vertalings gedaan
Romeens Ne plăcea să ne dăm cu bicicletele
Source language
Engels Scenery
when you make a scenery remember to include the whole club thanks

Vertalings gedaan
Fins Maalaus
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels We're immersed..
We're immersed in a national personality freak show soap opera, with a side order of sports 24-7.

Vertalings gedaan
Fins Hukumme julkkisten...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Noors har vært ei deilig hælg atmed jonsvattenet
Har vært en deilig helg ved Jonsvannet

I think part of it's is a slang..

Corr.: har vært ei deilig hælg atmed jonsvattenet

Before edit : Har vært ei deilig hælg at med Jonsvattnet. (edits done thanks to Hege)

-in order to release this request that was in stand by for some days- (06/04/francky)

Vertalings gedaan
Engels It has been a wonderful week-end at Jonsvannet.
Fins Se oli loistava viikonloppu Jonsvannetilla.
Source language
Turks bu ne Obama hayranlığıdır anlamadım gitti necocanım
bu ne Obama hayranlığıdır anlamadım gitti necocanım
<edit> name with a cap at its beginning, like they usually read</edit>

Vertalings gedaan
Serwies Nikako nisam shvatio ovu
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turks Neco üzdün beni demek ki sen de köleliği gururla taşıyanlardansın
Neco üzdün beni demek ki sen de köleliği gururla taşıyanlardansın

Vertalings gedaan
Serwies N. razočarao si me
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