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60Translation - Engels-Spaans - night

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: TurksEngelsFransSpaansBrasiliaanse Portugees

Category Sentence

This translation request is "Meaning only".
Submitted by msolavio
Source language: Engels Translated by kfeto

The night is always pregnant with happiness and sorrow, the things that might be born from her belly before day breaks...
Remarks about the translation
this is technically not turkish but ottoman.
and the last word is absent(doÄŸar/born)
in modern turkish:
Gece, daima sevinç ve kedere gebedir. Gün doğmadan gecenin karnından neler neler doğar.

La noche está siempre embarazada

Translated by lilian canale
Target language: Spaans

La noche está siempre embarazada de felicidad y pesar, lo que va a nacer de su vientre antes del alba...
Remarks about the translation
frase incompleta.
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur guilon - 1 September 2008 17:38