Looking properly nautical in a navy and white-striped coatdress and a hat that looks like an American sailor's cap, she clung to her husband's side, gazed into his eyes as though he were in command, and cooed: "I want to see it, too."
Remarks about the translation
Contexte : Visite d'un navire de guerre par la Princesse de Galles. Je ne vois pas comment traduire "looking properly" Source : Star 14 mai 1985 En français de France Merci de votre aide
Laaste geredigeer deur Francky5591 - 7 March 2011 19:38
Diana, still a civilian despite her ties to royalty , was scheduled for a tour of the vessel's less-sensitive areas. But to the amazement – and distress - of her Italian naval escorts, she refused to leave her husband's side - even for a second.
Looking properly nautical in a navy and white-striped coatdress and a hat that looks like an American sailor's cap, she clung to her husband's side, gazed into his eyes as though he were in command, and cooed: "I want to see it, too."