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Translation - Engels-Klingon - Accomplished-punctuation-translation

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This text is available in the following languages: EngelsNederlandsDuitsEsperantoFransKatalaansSpaansJapanneesSloweensSjinees vereenvoudigArabiesItaliaansTurksBulgaarsRomeensPortugeesRussiesHebreeusAlbaniesSweedsDeensHongaarsGrieksSerwiesFinsSjineesKroasiesPoolsEngelsNoorsKoreaansTsjeggiesFarsie-PersiesSlowaaksIersHindiAfrikaansViëtnamees
Requested translations: KlingonKoerdies

Category Explanations - Computers / Internet

Submitted by cucumis
Source language: Engels

Take into account the amount of work accomplished by the translator. If there are only a few words to modify or a punctuation to add, we advise you to edit the translation and accept it. You won't get any points for editing but you get points each time you accept or reject a translation.
21 July 2005 12:23