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ترجمه - دانمارکی-انگلیسی - Dunblane-tragedien

موقعیت کنونیترجمه
این متن به زبانهای زیر قابل دسترسی می باشد: دانمارکیانگلیسی

dalvns پیشنهاد شده توسط
زبان مبداء: دانمارکی

Efter Dunblane-tragedien hvor en mand trængte ind i en skotsk skole og skød 16 skoleelever og deres lærer er en arbejdsgruppe nedsat af den engelske regering fremkommet med ikke mindre end 22 forslag der skal gøre engelske skoler mere sikre. Områderne omkring skolerne skal indhegnes og skolegårdene skal have elektronisk overvågning.
Desuden skal lærerne lære selvforsvar da et stigende antal elever i dag opfører sig så voldeligt at deres lærere nægter at undervise dem. Eksempelvis blev en skoleinspektør sidste år stukket ned af to 15-årige teenagere da han ville forhindre dem i at overfalde en af hans elever.

the Dunblane-tragedy

Minny ترجمه شده توسط
زبان مقصد: انگلیسی

After the Dunblane-tragedy, where a man entered a Scottish school and shot 16 pupils and their teacher, a working party set up by the English government has come up with not less than 22 proposals that are intended to make English schools safer. The areas around the schools have to be fenced and the schoolyards must have electronic surveillance.

In addition the teachers have to learn self-defence because a rising number of pupils today behave so violently that their teachers refuse to teach them.

Last year, for example a head teacher was stabbed by two 15-year-old teenagers as he wanted to stop them from attacking one of his pupils.
آخرین دارای اعتبار یا ویرایش شده توسط lilian canale - 28 اکتبر 2008 13:23

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26 اکتبر 2008 02:41

lilian canale
تعداد پیامها: 14972
Hi Minny,

This looks very good. I have just a couple of suggestions:

...that are intended to make
more safe ---> safer
15 years old teenagers ---> 15-year-old teenagers

27 اکتبر 2008 13:23

تعداد پیامها: 3389
'working party' usually refers to a more manual type of work (building etc). I would use 'commission' or so here.

27 اکتبر 2008 14:18

تعداد پیامها: 271
en arbejdsgruppe = a working party, fx. a working party has been set up to deal with the problem.

Commission=udvalg, råd, fx. the European Commission.

In Danish one can say: arbejdesudvalg or arbejdsgruppe.

My opinion is that commission (udvalg, råd) is more formal and working party rather informal.