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Переклад - Іспанська-Англійська - Una vez conocí a alguien que se mordió en la...

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Цей текст можна переглянути такими мовами: ІспанськаАнглійська

Категорія Лист / Email - Кохання / Дружба

Una vez conocí a alguien que se mordió en la...
Публікацію зроблено duke
Мова оригіналу: Іспанська

Una vez conocí a alguien que se mordió en la lengua y se envenenó (y no era una serpiente).

Yo también te quiero…


No quieres decir: BRUJA
Пояснення стосовно перекладу
mail message to my girlfriend from someone else... do i need to be worried?

I met someone once who bit...

Переклад зроблено mireia
Мова, якою перекладати: Англійська

I met someone once who bit his tongue and got poisoned (and he wasn't a snake).

I love you too...


You don't want to say: WITCH
Пояснення стосовно перекладу
On the first sentence, there's no gendre for the subject, so it could be "he bit his tongue" or "she bit her tongue". That's a common expression in Spanish for saying that someone is so bad that he/she could get poisoned with his/her own words.

The "I love you too..." I think it's on an ironical way, so I don't think you have to worry! :)

The last two sentences are not very clear, because "responds" is not Spanish, it's more French, and it means "you reply" or "reply" (imperative form). It could also be a mistake that would be "respondes", and it also means "you reply". The "you don't want to say: WITCH" I think is like that person is calling "WITCH" to your girlrfriend...
Затверджено kafetzou - 11 Листопада 2007 05:24