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10Translation - Italian-English - la cosa che più mi affascina di te è proprio il...

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Category Colloquial

la cosa che più mi affascina di te è proprio il...
Submitted by dandicas
Source language: Italian

la cosa che più mi affascina di te è proprio il tuo sguardo e la foto che mi hai inviato rende l'idea.
l'inteligenza e la piccola pazzia traspaiono infatti dai tuoi occhi. Super, sei proprio carina

la cosa che più

Translated by boazmosquera
Target language: English

The thing that fascinates me the most is your look and the picture you sent me gives an idea of it. Intelligence and a little madness emanate, indeed, from your eyes. Superb, you are really beautiful.

Validated by kafetzou - 7 September 2007 05:00

Last messages


5 September 2007 05:22

Number of messages: 7963
Hmm. Transpire is probably not the best word here. What does it mean?

5 September 2007 12:36

Number of messages: 1549
Trasparire (IT): display or show not in an obvious way but through external signs.

5 September 2007 13:47

Number of messages: 7963
Tantine, can you help? I have to go to work, and my feeble brain cannot come up with the right word in English.

CC: Tantine

6 September 2007 18:14

Number of messages: 2747
Maybe "exsude", or "emanate", ooze, perspire, emerge, seep...

You choose I quite like "emanate"

7 September 2007 05:00

Number of messages: 7963
Thanks - I changed it to "emanate".

7 September 2007 08:15

Number of messages: 2747

7 September 2007 08:49

Number of messages: 8
Grazie ancora per la traduzione!!!!

7 September 2007 13:24

Number of messages: 7963
Nice avatar, dandicas - I love owls! Mi piace il gufo molto! (sorry - I don't speak Italian)