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翻译 - 希腊语-英语 - καλά σταματάω να σε φορτίζω ήξεις κάνα νεότερο...

本文可用以下语言: 希腊语英语

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καλά σταματάω να σε φορτίζω ήξεις κάνα νεότερο...
提交 pmpizarro
源语言: 希腊语

καλά σταματάω να σε φορτίζω
έχεις κάνα νεότερο από Alexis?
σου ξαναμίλησε?
όχι ρε Μαράκι, δε με φορτίζεις, τα έχω απο μόνη μου
όχι, δεν έπιασα κουβέντα γιατί δεν είχα χρόνο καθόλου
όχι να πιάσεις κουβέντα. αν σου έκανε κουβέντα λέω
όχι καθόλου, αλλά άμα του πω γειά πάλι χείμαρος θα ναι
είμαστε στα τελειώματα....
είδε ότι δεν κάνω καμιά κίνηση
κι εγώ τι άλλο να πω
τέλος πάντων
τα λέμε από κοντά
μη σε πρήζω
φιλιά, καληνύχτα
δεν με πρίζεις, αλλά δεν νομίζω πως θα τελειώσετε π ο τ έ
ohhh kala stamataw na se fortizw
hkseis kana neotero apo Alexis?
se ksanamilhse?

oxi re maraki de me fortizeis ta exw apo monh mou
oxi den epiasa kouventa giati den eixa xrono katholou

okseia piaseis kouventa. an sou ekane kouventa lew

oxi katholou alla ama tou pw geia pali xeimaros tha nai

eimaste sta teleiwmata....
eide oti den kanw kamia kinhsh
ki egw ti allo na pw
telos pantoon
ta leme apo konta
mh se prhzw

de me prizeis alla de nomizw pws tha teleiwsete p o t e

ok, I stop irritating you...have you heard from Alexis?

翻译 bouboukaki
目的语言: 英语

ohhh ok, I'll stop bothering you
Have you heard anything new from Alexis?
Did he talk to you again?
No, Maria, you're not bothering me, I was already upset.
No, we didn't talk because I didn't have any time.
I didn't ask if you talked. I asked if he tried to talk to you.
No, not at all, but if I say "hi" to him, it'll open the floodgates again
we're ending it...
We've stagnated.
He saw I'm not making any moves,
and what else should I say?
we'll talk when we see each other,
so I don't overload you
kisses, goodnight
You're not overloading me, but I don't think you'll e v e r end it.
we're ending it=we're at the ends
User10认可或编辑 - 2011年 四月 24日 20:43



2011年 四月 22日 00:06

文章总计: 7963
ohhh ok, I'll stop bothering you
Have you heard anything new from Alexis?
Did he talk to you again?
No, Maria, you're not bothering me, I was already upset.
No, we didn't talk because I didn't have any time.
I didn't ask if you talked. I asked if he tried to talk to you.
No, not at all, but if I say "hi" to him, it'll open the floodgates again
we're ending it...
We've stagnated.
He saw I'm not making any moves,
and what else should I say?
we'll talk when we see each other,
so I don't overload you
kisses, goodnight
You're not overloading me, but I don't think you'll e v e r end it.