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翻訳 - ボスニア語-英語 - mismo

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: ボスニア語英語

カテゴリ 手紙 / 電子メール

原稿の言語: ボスニア語

Mi smo dobro, ovdje sunce sija i na plazi smo vikendom.
Djeca i ja smo dobro, Martin nista ne radi na nasim problemima, cak je nasao curu.
To sam slucajno saznala, sranje, povracala dva dana pa mi bilo lakse.
Idemo dalje, izlazicu svaki vikend kad on ima djecu pa cu i ja nekog sebi prilicnog naci.
Imam je jos uvijek apetita za zivotom.

We are ok

翻訳の言語: 英語

We are ok, the sun is shining here, we spend the weekends on the beach. My children and I are fine. Martin doesn't solve our problems, he has even found a girlfriend. I've discovered that by chance, shit, I was vomiting for 2 days and then I felt better. Let's go on, I go out every weekend when the children are with him, so I'll find someone appropriate for me, too. I still have lust for life.
最終承認・編集者 lilian canale - 2008年 6月 26日 19:25



2008年 6月 26日 03:56

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972

I've made some editions to sound a bit better in English, yet I set a poll to see what ideas other users can bring.

before edition:
"We are ok, sun is shining here, we are on the beach for the weekend. Me and children are fine. Martin doesn`t solve our problems,he`s even found a girlfriend. I`ve discovered that by chance, shit, I was vomiting for 2 days and felt better after that. Let's continue, I go out every weekend when children are with him,so I`ll find someone appropriate for me,too. I still have desire to live."

2008年 6月 26日 13:20

投稿数: 99
My opinion is that the first sentence should be "we are ok, the sun is shining here and we spend the weekends on the beach"

2008年 6月 26日 15:50

投稿数: 7
you`re right it`s better