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翻訳 - イタリア語-英語 - Ulise

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: イタリア語英語

カテゴリ 詩歌

原稿の言語: イタリア語

Nella mia giovanezza ho navigato
lungo le coste dalmate. Isolotti
a fior d’onde emergevano, ove raro
un uccello sostava intento a prede,
coperti d’alghe, scivolosi, al sole
belli come smeraldi. Quando l’alta
marea e la notte li annullava, vele
sottovento sbandavano piú al largo,
per fuggirne l’insidia. Oggi il mio regno
e quella terra di nessuno. Il porto
accende ad altri i suoi lumi; me al largo
sospinge ancora il non domato spirito,
e della vita il doloroso amore.
Olá, venho pedir o o favor de me traduzirem este poema para inglês-britânico. Não tenho conhecimentos nenhuns em italiano, não posso ajudar em nada. Obrigado.

In my youth I sailedalong the ...

翻訳の言語: 英語

In my youth I sailed
along the Dalmatian shores. Small islands
would rise from the waves, where infrequently
a bird would pause, intent on prey,
covered with seaweed, slippery, in the sunlight
beautiful as emeralds. When the high
tide and the night extinguished them, sails
slipped leeward to deep waters
to escape their treachery. Today I am the king
of no man's land. The port
lights up its lights for the others, for me, to the open sea
drives still the unconquered spirit,
and a sorrowful love for all life.
最終承認・編集者 lilian canale - 2009年 10月 16日 18:35



2009年 10月 11日 22:22

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Guys, could you help me with this line?
"Il porto
accende ad altri i suoi lumi; me al largo
sospinge ancora il non domato spirito"

CC: Efylove Maybe:-)

2009年 10月 13日 01:57

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Renewing the cc...

CC: Efylove Maybe:-)

2009年 10月 13日 17:37

投稿数: 338
Considering that it is a poem (it is "ULISSE" by Umberto Saba), the translation seems to be correct. There is only one "S" missing in the original title.

"Il porto accende ad altri...": I think that these lines could really mean that the harbour is a refuge (switches its lights on) for other people, not for him, who is being driven to the open sea, pushed by a non-tamed spirit and a painful love for life.

CC: Efylove