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翻訳 - フランス語-英語 - Cher confrère, Nous avons suivi le jeune l, 3...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: フランス語英語

カテゴリ 手紙 / 電子メール

Cher confrère, Nous avons suivi le jeune l, 3...
原稿の言語: フランス語

Cher confrère,

Nous avons suivi le jeune LL, 3 ans 10 mois, de juin 2007 à octobre 2007 (entretiens familiaux et psychomotricité individuelle).
LL présente à ce jour des traits autistiques persistants mais il semble qu’il existe des possibilités d’évolution tant sur le plan relationnel que sur le plan praxique.
Il nous semble qu’une scolarité adaptée sera tout de même nécessaire pour le moment.

Nous restons bien sûr à votre disposition pour de plus amples renseignements.

Salutations confraternelles,
ce texte contient des mots à caractère médical et psychiatrique

demande de traduction en anglais américain

Dear colleague, We've been keeping this young man under observation, LL, 3...

翻訳の言語: 英語

Dear colleague,

We've been seeing the young LL (3 years 10 months old) since June 2007 through October 2007 (family sessions and individual psychomotor testing).
LL is still showing persistent autistic symptoms, but the possibility seems to exist for proper development with respect to both relationships and physical functioning.
However, it seems to us that an education adjusted to suit his special needs will still be necessary for the time being.

We of course remain at your disposal for any further information.

Kind regards,
最終承認・編集者 IanMegill2 - 2007年 11月 1日 14:06



2007年 11月 1日 12:24

投稿数: 1671
Hi maddie!
I was hoping to change the text to the following:
Dear colleague,

We've been seeing the young LL (3 years 10 months old) since June 2007 through October 2007 (family sessions and individual psychomotor testing).
LL is still showing persistent autistic symptoms, but it seems the possibility exists for proper development with respect to both relationships and physical functioning.
However, it seems to us that an education adjusted to suit his special needs will still be necessary for the time being.

We of course remain at your disposal for any further information.

Kind regards,
Do you have any objections to the above changes, or any other good ideas as to how to best reflect the intentions of the original?

2007年 11月 1日 13:48

投稿数: 91
Hey, Ian! Thanks for asking for my opinion! I find both translations fine enough, but yours seems to provide a better outlook on the medical situation of the kid, so it's slightly better.

2007年 11月 1日 13:57

投稿数: 1
Hello maddie and Ian,
Thanks very much for your translations !

2007年 11月 1日 14:02

投稿数: 1671
Great, Maddie!
I'll edit it and validate it, then!

Original form of the translation:

Dear colleague,

We've been keeping this young man under observation, LL, 3 years and 10 months old, since June 2007 until October 2007 (family conversations and individual psychomotority).

LL is showing some persistant autistic simptoms, but it seems there are some possibilities for a proper evolution in both the relational and praxic area. It seems to us that an appropriate education will be however necessary at the moment.

We'll be at your disposal for any further information.

Kind regards,

Caloo, you're welcome! Please come back soon and try translating some things yourself too! It's fun!