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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish Hola, estoy intentando aprender un ...
Hola, estoy intentando aprender un poco de rumano para poder chatear contigo, pero necesito que me tengas paciencia ya que recién estoy aprendiendo esta lengua. Si, lo que estoy escribiendo ahora ¡no sabes cuánto me costó! espero tu paciencia y si me equivoco en algo enséñame mejor. Chao.
espero que salga bien

Diacritics edited/text corrected <Lilian>

Completed translations
Romanian ună. Încerc să învăţ un pic de română...
Source language
Italian Pertanto, dai conteggi effettuati a seguito delle...
Pertanto, dai conteggi effettuati a seguito delle indagini, è stato calcolato che hai avuto un guadagno di oltre 20 mila euro.
Ti invitiamo, quindi, a prendere contatti con l’Amministrazione competente (del Comune nel quale hai praticato l’attività di vendita) per prendere accordi sulle modalità di pagamento delle imposte dovute e di regolarizzazione della tua posizione fiscale oppure per presentare ricorso se ritieni di voler contestare i dati sopra indicati.
A seguito delle indagini = derivanti dalle indagini
Prendere contatti con = contattare
Praticato = effettuato = svolto
Prendere accordi = accordarti
Posizione fiscale = situazione fiscale

Completed translations
Romanian În consecinţă, din calculele efectuate
Source language
Russian Водка
Говорят, Христос превращал воду в вино. Совре­менные опыты с водкой дают гораздо лучшие резуль­таты.

Completed translations
English Vodka
Hebrew מים ליין
Ukrainian Кажуть, Христос
Source language
English My Constant.
My Constant

My only constant.
Thank you for being there.
Thank you for existing.
You can move on now.
You can change.
I´m sorry.
It´s meant to be written on a ring.
At least I need translated only the title. If it´s possible also the rest.
Thank you.

Completed translations
Greek Η Σταθερά μου.
Latin Mi constans
Hebrew הקבוע שלי
Lithuanian Mano konstanta
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English My mind is on my money, my money is on my ...
My mind is on my money, my money is on my mind
<edit> added a verb, as at least one conjugated verb is necessary for the request to be accepted- note : it won't change anything in the target language ;)</edit>

Completed translations
Hebrew מחשבותי מתרכזות בכספי, כספי מעסיק את מחשבותי
236Source language236
French La vie ne vaut d'être vécue sans amour.
La vie ne vaut d'être vécue sans amour.

Completed translations
English Life isn't worth living without love.
Arabic الحياة لا تستحق أن تحيا بدون حبّ.
Romanian Viaţa nu merită trăită fără dragoste.
Greek Η ζωή δεν αξίζει χωρίς αγάπη
Italian La vita non merita di essere vissuta senza amore.
Danish Livet er ikke værd at leve uden kærlighed.
Portuguese brazilian A vida não vale a pena sem amor.
Portuguese A vida não vale a pena sem amor.
Turkish Hayat aşksız yaşamaya değmez.
Serbian Zivot nema smisla bez ljubavi
German Das Leben lohnt sich nicht ohne die Liebe
Swedish Livet är inte värt att leva utan kärlek.
Dutch Het leven is niet waard te leven zonder liefde.
Spanish La vida no merece...
Hungarian Az élet nem ér semmit szerelem nélkül.
Catalan La vida no paga la pena sense amor.
Korean 사랑없이 사는 것은 무가치한 삶이다.
Polish Życie jest niewiele warte bez miłości.
Faroese Lívið er ikki vert at liva uttan kærleika
Chinese 生活沒有愛就沒有活著的意義。
Latin Non meretur vitam
Icelandic Lífið er ekki vert að lifa án kærleika
Bulgarian Животът не си струва да се живее без любов.
Russian Жизнь не стоит того, что бы прожить ее без любви.
Norwegian livet er ikke verdt å leve uten kjærlighet
Finnish Elämä ei ole elämisen arvoista ...
Hebrew החיים אינם שווים לחיותם ללא אהבה
Czech Život bez lásky nemá smysl.
Source language
Spanish Eres mi ángel.
Eres mi ángel.
Me quiero hacer un tatuaje con esta frase, porque significa que siempre mi angel guardian va a estar conmigo cuidandome... por favor que sea traducido en femenino.

Female addressee.

Completed translations
Hebrew את המלאך שלי
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Swedish På vänsterkanten fick Antonio Osorio en halvlek...
På vänsterkanten fick Antonio Osorio en halvlek och gjorde det mycket bra, 2 hörnor och 2 målchanser vaskades fram
På vänsterkanten fick Antonio Osorio en halvlek och gjorde det mycket bra, 2 hörnor och 2 målchanser vaskades fram

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Antônio Osório
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English R.M. engrave a name on the world. God bless...
R.M., engrave a name on the world.
God bless you.
This is what I'm telling myself.
Thank you.
<male name abbrev.>

Completed translations
Hebrew חקוק את שמך על העולם
Source language
English music is my life
music is my life

Completed translations
Spanish la música es mi vida
Source language
Turkish Bunları alabilir miyim?
Bunları alabilir miyim?
garsonlukta kullanmak için..Fransa Fransızcası

Completed translations
French Prendre
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish No te entiendo. ¿De dónde sois?
No te entiendo. ¿De dónde sois?

Completed translations
Turkish Seni anlamıyorum. Nerelisiniz?
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