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Übersetzung - Brasilianisches Portugiesisch-Griechisch - Amigo não é aquele que diz:vá em frente,mas...

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Dieser Text ist in den folgenden Sprachen erhältlich: Brasilianisches PortugiesischGriechisch

Amigo não é aquele que diz:vá em frente,mas...
Übermittelt von dadalindafofs
Herkunftssprache: Brasilianisches Portugiesisch

Amigo não é aquele que diz vá em frente,mas sim vou contigo!

Ο αληθινος φιλος δεν ειναι αυτος

Übersetzt von Tzicu-Sem
Zielsprache: Griechisch

Ο αληθινός φίλος δεν είναι αυτός που λέει ''Προχώρα μόνος σου'' αλλά αυτός που λέει ''Εγώ θα είμαι κοντά σου''.
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von reggina - 20 Mai 2009 20:30

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20 Mai 2009 17:00

Anzahl der Beiträge: 493

I was wondering about the evaluation of this translation and one more from Romanian into Greek. I did the translations about 5 months back. Are they of any use to the requesters, I wonder?

Thank you,

20 Mai 2009 17:20

lilian canale
Anzahl der Beiträge: 14972
Actually the requester logged in, made the request and never came back. That was in October 2008
As you see in January 2009 (3 months later), Mideia made some edits and probably set the poll.
Today, 4 months after that the translation is still at the poll.
You are right, Tzicu, this evaluation might be worth just for you, the requester won't even notice it.
Anyway, we must take an action here.
You'll get your deserved points

20 Mai 2009 17:20

lilian canale
Anzahl der Beiträge: 14972
Please Greek experts, could any of you give a solution for this translation? (read my post above)
Here's a bridge for evaluation:

"A real friend is not the one who says: - Go ahead, but - I'm going with you".

CC: irini Mideia reggina sofibu

20 Mai 2009 18:38

Anzahl der Beiträge: 302
A real friend is not the one who says: - Go ahead(alone) but the one who says - I'm going with you/I will be next to you.

20 Mai 2009 18:42

lilian canale
Anzahl der Beiträge: 14972
Hi reggina, I didn't understand your post

I sent the bridge for any of you to finally evaluate the translation.
You know best I don't know Greek

20 Mai 2009 19:03

Anzahl der Beiträge: 493
Thank you.