Übersetzung - Englisch-Spanisch - josephmomentaner Status Übersetzung
Kategorie Tägliches Leben  Diese Übersetzung erfordert nur die Bedeutung. | | | Herkunftssprache: Englisch Übersetzt von jairhaas
I am a descendant of the seed of Joseph over whom the Evil Eye has no power: "A son of fertility is Joseph, a son of fertility above the eye". | Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung | literally "above the eye" should be translated "upon the fountain", but there is a wordplay here between eye and fountain (both "ayin" in Hebrew), and since the verse is used as evidence for the foregoing statement, it should be translated as "eye" in this particular text. There is also a connection between 'eye' and 'spring' because the great sages of Judaism say that an eye is like a pure spring.
Another translation / interpretation for the second part that is widely used is "Joseph is a fruitful bough, A fruitful bough by a spring" (Genesis 49:22) This is followed by "whose branches run over the wall", meaning that Joseph was the father of two tribes, not just one. Yet another meaning of the same part is that Joseph's very handsome (everyone stares at him). |
| | ÜbersetzungSpanisch Übersetzt von pplu13 | Zielsprache: Spanisch
Soy un descendiente de la estirpe de José, sobre quien el ojo del mal no tiene poder. "Un hijo de la fertilidad es José, un hijo de la fertilidad por encima del ojo". |
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von Isildur__ - 10 September 2011 22:52