Cucumis - Gratis on-line vertaal dienst
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Vertaling - Portugees-Engels - O tempo passa e a cada dia aperta mais o meu...

Huidige statusVertaling
Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: PortugeesEngels

Categorie Gedachten - Liefde/Vriendschap

Deze vertaling aanvraag is "betekenis alleen"
O tempo passa e a cada dia aperta mais o meu...
Opgestuurd door Raquel luiza ferreira
Uitgangs-taal: Portugees

O tempo passa e a cada dia aperta mais o meu coração, pois sei que nem tudo acontece da forma que queremos.
Assim a distância nos deixam anciosos e ao mesmo tempo triste...
Anciosos por querer ficar sempre juntos,e triste por saber que ainda não é possível isso ser real.
O tempo pode passar... mas eu só tenho uma certeza...
Quero estar ao seu lado em todos os momentos, bons, ruins... enfim, sempre que puder.
Muitos beijos de quem te adora.

Time goes by

Vertaald door Angelus
Doel-taal: Engels

Time goes by and each day it makes me sad, because I know that things just aren't going as we planned.
So, the distance makes us feel anxious and sad at the same time...
Anxious about wanting to always be together and sad knowing that it's still not possible for this to be real.
Time may pass... but I'm sure of just one thing...
I want to be by your side at every moment, the good, the short, whenever I can.
Many kisses from the one who adores you.
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door Tantine - 4 februari 2008 11:40

Laatste bericht


4 februari 2008 00:20

Aantal berichten: 2747
Hi Angelus,

There are one or two little corrections you could make:

"that things just don't go as we planned"


"that things just aren't going as we planned"

"Anxious for wanting to be always together"
"Anxious about wanting to always be together"

"and sad for knowing that it's not still possible to be real"
"and sad about knowing that it's still not possible for this to be real"

"in short, always I can"
"in short, whenever I can"

I've set a poll

Muitos beijos

4 februari 2008 02:32

Aantal berichten: 1227
Corrections made Tantine

Thank you


4 februari 2008 03:17

Aantal berichten: 1671
Hmmm...Why is this marked as having been rejected?

4 februari 2008 03:22

Aantal berichten: 1227

probably the requester have seen the translation and now she doesn't need it anymore.
I don't understand why they do this

4 februari 2008 03:31

Aantal berichten: 1671
Well, I think it's okay as it is, so I'll ask Tantine to validate it.
(I could validate it myself, but until now Tantine has been doing the work on it, so I should let her get the credit for it!)

4 februari 2008 03:37

Aantal berichten: 1227
Fair enough!!

4 februari 2008 11:39

Aantal berichten: 2747
No problem Angelus,

I'll validate your translation and you will get your points.

There is no reason that this translation should have been rejected, it was a very good translation.
