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Originele tekst - Engels - I can see you like to model. I dont t speak...

Huidige statusOriginele tekst
Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: EngelsBraziliaans Portugees

Categorie Brief/E-Mail - Cultuur

Deze vertaling aanvraag is "betekenis alleen"
I can see you like to model. I dont t speak...
Te vertalen tekst
Opgestuurd door eledi
Uitgangs-taal: Engels

I can see you like to model. I don't speak Portuguese, I speak Spanish, but I think that you
understand maybe in my poor English...but I work
with images, so I believe that we understand each other that way.
I like very much your photos.
This is part of my work, I like to draw and paint, I like to take photos and create images, just as a hobby. What do you like to do in your country?
Details voor de vertaling
Text corrected. Before:
"I can see you like to model. I dont t speak potuguese, i speak spanish, but i trink that you
understand maybe in my poor english...but i work
whit images, so i believe that we understand each other that way.
I like very much your photos.
assunto image
this part of my wok, i like to draw and paint, i like to take photos ande create images, just for hobbies. Wat do you like to do in your country?"
Laatst bewerkt door eledi - 11 januari 2010 21:30

Laatste bericht


11 januari 2010 20:34

lilian canale
Aantal berichten: 14972
Olá eledi,

Eu sugiro que você peça ao seu amigo que escreva em espanhol, seria mais fácil de traduzir para o português. O inglês que ele escreve contem muitos erros.