Cucumis - Gratis on-line vertaal dienst
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Vertaling - Engels-IJslands - Tantine Donation

Huidige statusVertaling
Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: EngelsSpaansBraziliaans PortugeesThaiDuitsTurksZweedsPoolsNoorsPortugeesGrieksDeensRussischRoemeensNederlands
Aangevraagde vertalingen: VietnameesMaleisisch

Categorie Gedachten - Liefde/Vriendschap

Tantine Donation
Opgestuurd door Bamsa
Uitgangs-taal: Engels

Tantine, expert and moderator of the free translation community (, has been fighting against cancer for years. She has a tight budget for medical treatments, so she opens the donation link (, and everyone who has a Visa or MasterCard credit card may help her, in whatever amount from cents to euros/dollars.
If you do not have a credit card, you may also contact her directly to see what you can help.

Happy New Year 2015!

Tantine's Blog:

Tantine's Facebook:
Details voor de vertaling
Please disseminate this information to your world.

Opgepast, deze vertaling is nog niet door een expert geëvalueerd, het is mogelijk dat deze incorrect is!
Framlag til Tantine

Vertaald door Vesna J.
Doel-taal: IJslands

Tantínus, sérfræðingur og stjórnandi frjálsa þýðingu samfélagsins (, hefur verið að berjast gegn krabbameini í mörg ár. Hún hefur fastan fjárhagsáætlun fyrir læknishjálp, þannig að hún opnar framlagsslóðina (, og allir sem hafa kreditkort með Visa eða MasterCard geta hjálpað henni í hvaða upphæð sem er frá sentum til evra / dollara.
Ef þú ert ekki með kreditkort getur þú einnig haft samband við hana beint til að sjá hvað þú getur hjálpað.

Gleðilegt nýtt ár 2015!

Blogg Tantine er: http: //
26 februari 2019 14:04