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Originele tekst - Engels - His emulation of Bartok goes far beyond...

Huidige statusOriginele tekst
Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: EngelsTurks

Categorie Uitdrukking - Bedrijf/Banen

Deze vertaling aanvraag is "betekenis alleen"
His emulation of Bartok goes far beyond...
Te vertalen tekst
Opgestuurd door caravanci
Uitgangs-taal: Engels

His emulation of Bartok goes far beyond imitation. Since his life was not only marked by the wars and catastrophes of this century, but also by loneliness, his work has received only a little acclaim up to now. As a composer he always went the way he felt absolutely commited to in solitude.
Laatst bewerkt door Xini - 8 juni 2007 07:36

Laatste bericht


8 juni 2007 08:53
Aantal berichten: 2
Onun Bartok' a benzeme cabasi taklitciligin cok otesindedir. Yasami yalnizca savaslar ve felaketler degil, ayni zamanda yalnizliga da sahne oldugundan, calismalari su ana kadar cok az ovgu almistir. Yazar olarak yalnizliga hapsedilmis hissine kapildigi yolda ilerledi.