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275 Nyelvröl forditàs Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme". Du är min favorit vän... Jag älskar dig. Jag vill vara med dig. Du är otroligt underbar. Jag vill inte göra nÃ¥got du inte vill. Snälla, älska mig tillbaks. Om du inte vill att jag tar i dig, säg det. Jag tänker inte förstöra ditt liv. Fixa ny emailadress sÃ¥ jag kan skriva dit. Utan att var orolig för vem som läser. Tack för i kväll. Det var underbart. Jag hÃ¥ller pÃ¥ att bli galen... Befejezett forditàsok Ты мой любимый друг Ti si moj najbolji prijatelj... | |
400 Nyelvröl forditàs The calculated risk for Trisomy 21 is below the... The calculated risk for Trisomy 21 is below the cut off wich represents a low risk.After the result of the Trisomy 21 test it is expected that among 4822 women with the same data,there is one woman with a trisomy 21 pregnancy and 4821 women with not affected pregnancies.The calculated risk by prisca depends on the accuracy of the information provided by the referring physician.Please note that risk calkulations are statistical approaches and have no diagnostic value. <edit>"expekted" with "expected"</edit> Befejezett forditàsok Rizik da se oboli od Daunovog sindroma.. | |
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221 Nyelvröl forditàs warum ist es so schwierig dir zuzeigen oder auch... Warum ist es so schwierig, dir zu zeigen oder auch zu sagen, was ich eigentlich will? Du bist mir wirklich sehr wichtig, aber ich glaube, nach alle dem, was vorgefallen ist, bin ich für dich das Letzte. Gib mir eine Chance dir zu zeigen, dass ich nicht so bin. Bitte! Ich denke an dich. J. ###Name abbreviated### italo07 Befejezett forditàsok Zasto je tako tesko tebi pokazati i... | |
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107 Nyelvröl forditàs Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme". ΘÎλω να σε δω Ï€Ïιν φÏγω... ΘÎλω να σε δω Ï€Ïιν φÏγω γιατί σ'αγαπάω Ï€Ïαγματικά. Όμως και σε μισώ. Στις 15 του μήνα φεÏγω για Ιάσιο, θÎλω να σε δω για λίγο, αγάπη μου. telo nasedo prin figo jati sagapao pragmatika omos kese miso stis 15 to mina fevgo ja jatio telo na se do ja ligo agapi mu
"jatio"-->Ιάσιο, Iasi (?) (N.b.User10) Befejezett forditàsok ИСКÐÐœ ДРТЕ ВИДЯ ПРЕДИ ДРТРЪГÐÐ | |
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2342 Nyelvröl forditàs Millennium Development Goals 2 Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger In response to its Open Civil Society letter to the President, the Government invited GCAP Uganda and colleagues to a dialogue event aimed at finding concrete solutions to the food crisis which affects over 8 million people all over the country. According to participant Charles Businge of ActionAid in Uganda has been working to "stimulate bold and honest debate about the food crisis in the country and to situate the discussion in the context of the bigger picture in terms of conflict, governance, climate change, spikes in fuel and food prices, population growth and growing inequality. Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education In Burkina Faso, a public conference on the theme “Education and elimination of illiteracy†was organized at CENASA to inform people with child rights to education and the link with girls schooling. Participants at the conference recognized that they were not giving equal access to scholarization for children. They also realized that girls’ failing in school is also due to what they do not give enough time to girls for study based on the fact that girls are intended to do household work after the school but not boys.
For Global Action Week, the Global Campaign for Education coalitions across the world took action. Following advocacy from the Somaliland Education coalition and other stake holders, the government announced a policy of Free Primary Education For All. Prior to this announcement there was a survey carried out about the effect of free primary education on the quality of education and school enrollment. In France, Solidarité Laïque launched a 'Manifesto for the right to quality education for all women and girls' and a petition to parliamentarians was read and signed and will be delivered to the G20 taking place this year under the French Presidency. Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women A girl born in 1995, the year of the Beijing Women’s Conference, would have the tender age of 16 just about now. She would have defied the odds, survived numerous risks, and performed revolutionary acts of boldness, beginning with being born.
100 million women are 'missing' in the developing world because they are killed before or after birth; it is no exaggeration to call this gendercide. Women are missing in their millions—aborted, killed, neglected to death.†—-The Economist
She might have gone to school for a year, or two, or more. Chances are that she did not get to see the inside of a middle school or high school.
The share of girls out of school has declined worldwide from 58% to 54%, and the gender gap in primary education is narrowing in many countries. --2010 Global Monitoring Report of Education for All Goals Befejezett forditàsok Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio 2 | |
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