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Fordítás - Török-Angol - çocukken korkardım karanlıktan sokaklarda ...

Vàrakozàs alattFordítás
Ez a szöveg rendelkezésre àll a következő nyelveken : TörökAngol

Témakör Költészet - Tàrsadalom / Emberek / Politika

çocukken korkardım karanlıktan sokaklarda ...
Ajànlo ncbhkk
Nyelvröl forditàs: Török

çocukken korkardım karanlıktan sokaklarda
gençken korktum hep insanlardan karanlıkta
şimdi korkuyorum yalnızlıktan
her karanlık bastığında


Forditva kfeto àltal
Forditando nyelve: Angol

As a child I was afraid on the streets after dark.
When I was young I feared people after dark.
Now I'm afraid of loneliness,
everytime night falls.

Magyaràzat a forditàshoz
karanlik can mean darkness in general but here it refers to nighfall especially in the last line
i tried to keep the structure of the poem intact as much possible
Validated by dramati - 5 Àprilis 2008 19:11

Legutolsó üzenet


3 Àprilis 2008 21:05

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
Hi kfeto
"As a child I was afraid after dark on the streets."

Do you mean "I was afraid of the streets after dark" or "I was afraid of being/staying on the street after dark"?

3 Àprilis 2008 21:29

Hozzászólások száma: 953
hello lilian
literally it says 'i was afraid of the dark[ness] on the streets' so not your first suggestion but more the second.

first line he fears the dark[ness] itself

3 Àprilis 2008 21:54

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
So..."I was afraid of the darkness on the streets" would be correct.
Why don't you edit that way? It sounds fine.

3 Àprilis 2008 22:02

Hozzászólások száma: 953
because like i wrote in the remarks here it refers more specifically to the darkness which comes after nightfall.
the poem's three lines are connected in the sense that they build up to the climax in the third.

the connection is always the nightfall, thats why i deviated from darkness in the the first line, luckily in english using 'after dark' allows one to retain the word dark, and thus the structure while making clear it's after nightfall

3 Àprilis 2008 22:30

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
The problem here kfeto is that the structure is wrong. We are afraid of something (the street, de darkness). I understand that this is a poem and we should try to keep its form, but the sentence in English needs another construction.
You have to respect a sequence of adverbs and "after dark" should come at the end.
you can say:

"As a child I was afraid of the darkness on/of the streets"
"As a child I was frightened of the dark streets"
"As a child I was afraid of the streets after dark"
Or the other suggestions I gave, but the way the sentence is now, sorry, but it's not correct.

So, what are you going to do?

3 Àprilis 2008 22:35

Hozzászólások száma: 953
I'm really making you earn those points arent I, lilian?
what about:
"As a child I was afraid on the streets after dark"
is that ok?

4 Àprilis 2008 12:46

Hozzászólások száma: 972
Looks much better to me Kfeto. Do it please

4 Àprilis 2008 12:55

Hozzászólások száma: 953

4 Àprilis 2008 16:11

Hozzászólások száma: 268
"Korkardım", "I used to be afraid" olması lazım. Ve bence kalanlık kelimesinin üçü de "dark" ya da "darkness" olarak çevirilse daha güzel olacak.