...Suskunluğum asaletimdendir. Her lafa verecek bir cevabım var. Lakin bir lafa bakarım, laf mı diye. Birde söyleyene bakarım adam mı diye...Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK
...My silence is because of my nobility. I have an answer to every word. However I first check whether the word is a word and then check whether the human is a human...Mustafa Kemal ATATÃœRK
Viimeksi tarkastanut tai toimittanut lilian canale - 4 Kesäkuu 2008 18:00
This saying doesnt belong to Atatürk. it belongs to Mevlana Jalaleddin Rumi. If you want to get information about him and sufism you can check this site.