The administration team has decided to remove your translation request ( "%t" ). Please understand that we receive many translation requests and we only treat those entered with as much care as possible. Please read our requirements before asking for a new translation (%r).
Huomioita käännöksestä
%t is the title of the translation. %r will be a quotation of the text to be translated. %t and %r must be kept unchanged in the translation.
Administrativni tim je odlucio da ukloni Vas prevod
Administrativni tim je odlucio da ukloni Vas zahtev za prevod ( "%t" ). Molimo za Vase razumevanje, iz razloga sto dobijamo mnogo zahteva za prevod, a prihvatamo samo onoliko, koliko mozemo da stignemo da obradimo sa najvise paznje. Molimo Vas da procitate nase uslove, pre nego sto zatrazite novi prevod (%r).
Viimeksi tarkastanut tai toimittanut cucumis - 25 Lokakuu 2006 13:12