Cucumis - 网上免费翻译服务
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西瓜村 - 新闻

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2006年 一月 1日




- 葫芦娃网站成长迅速,现已有1900多名会员,每天增加约20 名新会员。界面添加了许多新的语言:汉语、希伯来语、瑞典语和巴西葡萄牙语。十分感谢曾经翻译葫芦娃网页的会员。

- 现在开通了项目板块,但没有人知道怎么用。这主要为网管们设计,可以用来翻译他们的网站。他们可以把文本递交到葫芦娃网站等待翻译,邀请网友在葫芦娃网站上翻译。葫芦娃网站将吸收新会员,网管们可以利用葫芦娃网站上提供的翻译引擎和葫芦娃网站的专业会员。

- 个人网站和日记可以通过链接获得我们亲情计划的奖励。除使用域名外,你可以使用地址:[linkid=w_in_[userid]]. 当由您通过本网址介绍到cucumis.org上的会员做完一篇译文时,您就会获得额外的点数(该译文价值的百分之 5 )。 对于在葫芦娃论坛上管理项目的网管,还可以用类似的链接邀请网友来葫芦娃论坛翻译:,奖励一样。

- 网页底部的菜单已经装入多语种巴比伦字典。很有用的工具,百用不厌。

- 维基引擎已经安装。葫芦娃网站界面的若干部分、关于网站操作的详细说明和指导现在已经嵌入维基文章。维基文章比葫芦娃网站界面的语言文件更加灵活,因为会员可以随时编辑。葫芦娃网站界面的维基文章也可以通过翻译主页进行翻译,链接为"[维基(wiki)]翻译的目录有待完成或更新"。

- 现在可以在网站各个部分发表评论,包括新闻和维基文章。


- 现在正在做一个语言课程板块。届时葫芦娃网站的每位会员可以针对他的语言爱好开设维基课程。

- 正在做一个java小程序,可以录音和播放语言课程。

- 也考虑作一个java或flash程序,来为语言课程作插图。

- 我不明白为什么参与翻译的会员比率会这么低......可能我还需要改进界面,希望大家多提供反馈意见......

提交 cucumis - 翻译 pluiepoco

2005年 九月 18日




- jaH 脱机翻译了尼泊尔语文件。

- aelred 和 lorelai 罗马尼亚语版。

- carla1604、Witchy 和 Lele 意大利语版。

- hollowman 和 vyras 保加利亚语版。

- marhaban 阿拉伯语版。

- Papai Noel 和 arkangath 葡萄牙语版。



- 我还在做“项目”板块,但是近来时间不够。

- 我还想做一个小型维基(wiki)引擎,放到帮助版块或几个月后就将做好的“学习”版块......

提交 cucumis - 翻译 pluiepoco

2005年 八月 17日

The forum is opened

Hello all, and thanks for your support. The translation of the user interface is progressing fast, Spanish, Esperanto and Russian are already online. Greek, Hebrew and Romanian are nearly completed. Swedish, Chinese (simplified), Nepali and Arabic are progressing nicely.

The engine is now nearly ready. I had a dream to build a huge community of translators to help interesting and useful multilanguage projects. In fact, Cucumis still needs to find its way and its users. We really need your feedback and your thoughts. The forum is now running and is waiting for your ideas.

提交 cucumis

2005年 七月 18日

Three new languages

About five days passed since the last news update and is now implemented in three new languages:
- Turkish translated for the most part by zort and helped by my old friend shanice.
- Catalan translated in only one day by the translation dream team: strip and Ereza.
- Japanese translated by ccdj and helped by Try.

That seems so easy to say, but it means a lot of work and I thank you all for the trust you placed in
We are now ready to welcome Mr. Googlebot but he seems to be a little shy...

Languages coming soon : Spanish (90% completed), Esperanto (85%), Russian (50%) and Greek (50%).

提交 cucumis

2005年 七月 13日

First news, good news!

Cucumis have been online for 3 days, and I'm glad that almost everybody seems to like it!

First of all I want to thank Aleid from the Netherlands, who has been a great help on improving the english texts and translating the whole website into dutch, with the help of HB10.
Secondly, the german team leaded by Rumo, mare76 and leBleu, has completed the translation of in 3 days. Thanks to all of them! Turkish, greek, spanish, polish and chinese teams are progressing fast too.

One of the problem detected by Rumo is the english "you" which can have different meanings. It's corresponding on to the formal and singular "you".
I noticed too a recurrent problem with the punctuation. When a sentence to be translated is not ending with a point, you may not add a point in the corresponding translation. I know all sentences should end with a point but for websites, we need sometime to join texts together, and a point would disturb.

Coming soon :
- Possibility to send personal messages to registered users
- Start discusions on each translation
- A FAQ for the 说明 section

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