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Oprindelig tekst - Engelsk - only unchanged part in our arrangement is the...

Aktuel statusOprindelig tekst
Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: EngelskPortugisisk brasiliansk

Kategori Sang - Kultur

only unchanged part in our arrangement is the...
Tekst der skal oversættes
Tilmeldt af Jackson Prevot
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Engelsk

Descant, Treble, tenor, bass and basso continuo
28 Februar 2008 15:22

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28 Februar 2008 15:40

casper tavernello
Antal indlæg: 5057
I think that the title is the main part of the text. Otherwise, it's dictionary request.

CC: Tantine dramati IanMegill2 kafetzou

28 Februar 2008 15:57

Antal indlæg: 7963
There doesn't seem to be any connection between the title and the words in the translation box. This doesn't make sense.

NOTE: These are the kinds of words that are very difficult to find in dictionaries, so I suspect that this is what the translator wants.

28 Februar 2008 16:00

Jackson Prevot
Antal indlæg: 1
Eu penso de que o título é a parte principal do texto. Se não, é pedido do dicionário.

28 Februar 2008 16:55

casper tavernello
Antal indlæg: 5057
It has connection with his previous translation.

I'm not sure. These words were already translated there.

28 Februar 2008 16:50

Antal indlæg: 7963
Your link went to the same translation, casper!

28 Februar 2008 16:56

casper tavernello
Antal indlæg: 5057
Too many tabs. Sorry.

29 Februar 2008 00:39

Antal indlæg: 2747

Sorry to but in, but I can see a link between the "title" and the "body" of the text:

(The)only unchanged part in our (musical) arrangement is the D(d)escant, Treble, tenor, bass and basso continuo.

Means, I the musical arrangement the only unchanged part is the section of the compostion where the aforementioned descant and co are concerned.

Hope this helps


29 Februar 2008 00:44

casper tavernello
Antal indlæg: 5057
Yep. That's the reason for my first message.
Thank you Tantine.

29 Februar 2008 06:27

Antal indlæg: 1671
But if he wants that title translated directly, I think it should be in the main Translation field...
We can translate titles any way we want, or not translate them at all and write a new one instead.
I bet you don't need to spend as many points for your translation, if you put half your text in the Title field...?

29 Februar 2008 15:12

Antal indlæg: 2747
I agree with Ian

I think the we should ask the requestor to edit his text in order that the title be included in the translation box.

Otherwise his request may be subject to refusal as it simply a list of words.
