Ave Maria, Regina caeli, mater Domini nostri Iesu Christi, domina orbis terrarum, quae peccatorem non relinquit nec contemnit, oculis misericordiae plenis me intue et remissionem peccatorum meorum a Filio tuo dilecto tribue, ut ego, qui nunc te adoro cum dedicatione, Partus Sancte et Virginalis, in vita altera praemium gaudii animae commerere possim, propter merita dilecti Filii tui Domini nostri Jesu Christi.
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Bridge from Lilian Canale:
"Hail Mary, queen of heaven, mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, lady of the world, who no sinner forsakes or contempts, lay on me the eyes of Your mercy and grant unto thy beloved Son the forgiveness of my sins, so that I, who now worship you with devotion, thy holy and Immaculate Conception, in another life can deserve the prize of bliss, by the merits of your beloved son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Senast granskad eller redigerad av Efylove - 5 Oktober 2009 12:47