J'aimerais pouvoir traduire ce texte rapidement avec un langage qui ne soit pas un mot à mot branlant et qui garde une bon niveau de dicrours commercial... malheureusement je travail dans l'urgence et cette traaduction pourra disparaître si personne ne peut m'aider avant demain matin (le 24/08/07). Merci d'avance à vous tous.
TITOUAM is a brand name of the DIMCO company, pioneer in the world of decoration, based in CHOLET, in Maine-et-Loire (France). Initially a French manufacturer of picture frames, DIMCO achieved its success with its handcraft know-how, the mastering of techniques for the production of hand-made objects from natural materials, and its constantly renewed creativity.
Napomene o prevodu
EDIT: Edited a lot of mistakes thanks to Tantine.
Poslednja provera i obrada od kafetzou - 25 Avgust 2007 21:01
I know my translation was far from perfect, but I noticed Bleubite wanted to have a translation before tomorrow, and since Pluiepoco already tried (and failed?) to make it, I decided to give it my best shot, what I wouldn't have done if there wasn't a time restriction.
So, I edited the mistakes you pointed out, hoping Bleubite gets a decent translation in time. Thanks for pointing them out, a bit of teamwork (well, sort of) always gives the best results! ^^
Oh and, I didn't really get your "artisanat" part, used a dictionary for that one, and "according to traditional methods" seemed to be the best translation for artisanal, so I left it that way.