Cucumis - Ücretsiz online çeviri hizmeti
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105991 sonuçtan 5761 - 5780 arası sonuçlar
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İsveççe Det finns stora skillnader mellan hur ungdomar...
Det finns stora skillnader mellan hur ungdomar lever idag och hur dom levde förr.

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Farsça امروزه زندگی جوانان...
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Fransızca Bon... Trop tard pour souhaiter la bonne année,...
Bon... Trop tard pour souhaiter la bonne année, je suis bien pris par mon travail actuel, mais je pense à vous tout de même, [b]chers amis et collègues de[/b] :1: ;)

[userid=91733] et [userid=21837] assurent toujours l'administration, et ils sont maintenant secondés par [userid=21383], [userid=76309] et [userid=140952], également de rudes travailleurs! ;) :)

Nous avons maintenant une rubrique [link=k_v_825_]FAQ[/link], qui était, paraît-il, très demandée, et aussi de nouveaux experts très jeunes et très compétents, la valeur n'attend pas le nombre des années! -%!

Autre nouveauté, mais pas des moindres, nous avons désormais une barre de recherche google interne au site, et c'est un grand avantage pour les usagers, membres assidus, experts et admins qui recherchent des textes déjà traduits sur :1: :)

Ce n'est un secret pour personne, je suis trés occupé par mon travail d'indépendant dans les jeux vidéos. Si vous souhaitez voir pourquoi je ne me connecte pas assez souvent, vous pouvez allez visiter les [url=]jeux iPhone que je réalise[/url].

D'ailleurs je suis beaucoup plus réactif sur [url=]twitter[/url] si vous voulez me joindre.
News for the site

Tamamlanan çeviriler
İngilizce Too late for the happy new year...
Norveççe For sent for et godt nytt Ã¥r...
Danca For sent for at ønske godt nytår...
Hırvatça Pre kasno je za zaželjeti vam sretnu novu godinu,
Farsça خوب... برای تبریک سال نو دیر شده
Romence Ei bine...E cam târziu acum să vă urez un an bun...
İtalyanca Beh, troppo tardi per augurare buon anno...
İspanyolca Es muy tarde para desear feliz año nuevo
Bulgarca Добре де..... Твърде късно е да честитя Новата година,...
Portekizce Bom... é demasiado tarde
İsveççe Ok... för sent att önska gott nytt Ã¥r
Hollandaca Te laat voor een gelukkig nieuw jaar...
Litvanca KÄ… gi...
Lehçe Cóż… Za późno na życzenia noworoczne
Katalanca Bé... És massa tard per a desitjar un bon any
Macarca Boldog új évet kívánni már késő
Türkçe Tamam…iyi yıl dileÄŸi için çok geç
Ukraynaca Що ж... Надто пізно вітати з Новим Роком
Yunanca Είναι αργά για τα χρόνια πολλά...
Almanca Nun gut... Es ist ein bisschen zu spät
Sırpça Dobro, kasno je da vam poželim Novu godinu...
Esperanto Nu... Tro malfrue por bondeziri pri nova jaro...
Basit Çince 迟来的新年快乐
Fince Tuota... On liian myöhäistä toivottaa hyvää uutta vuotta...
Boşnakca No... Pre kasno je za zaželjeti vam sretnu novu godinu,...
Letonca Labi… Apsveikt jūs Jaunajā Gadā jau par vēlu,…
Arnavutça Është shumë vonë për të uruar vitin e ri
Vietnamca Quá muộn cho lời chúc mừng năm mới....
Bretonca Ma ... Re ziwezhat eo da souetiñ ur bloavezh mat deoc'h
İbranice מאוחר מדי ל"שנה טובה"...
Rusça Что же.… Слишком поздно поздравлять с новым годом
Tay dili อวยพรปีใหม่ช้าไปหน่อย...
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Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir.
İngilizce The Court System
The United States has many court systems. Each state has its own court system, and there is also a system of federal court. Each of these systems has trail and appeals courts. There are also a number of tribal justice systems. The highest court in the land is the United States Supreme Court. The Supreme Court hears appeals from the other court systems.

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Farsça سیستم دادگاهی
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Rusça любовь - мой путь
любовь - мой путь
путь - это по которому я иду по жизни

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Brezilya Portekizcesi O Amor é meu caminho
Esperanto La amo estas mia vojo
İngilizce Love is my way
Arapça الحب...
Faroe dili Ást er mítt lyndi
Afrikanlar Die liefde is my pad
Farsça عشق راه من است
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İsveççe jag älskar dig och jag vill inte att du lämnar...
jag älskar dig och jag vill inte att du lämnar mig. någonsin. jag vill vara med dig föralltid.
du gör mig så glad!
jag vill lära mig bättre persiska och därför vill jag ha hjälp med en översättning här.

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Farsça دوستت دارم Ùˆ نمی‌خواهم Ú©Ù‡ مرا ترک Ú©Ù†ÛŒ...
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İngilizce urban model
Rather than being just random collections of buildings, a city has certain parts that people intuitively understand and aggregate when describing it from different levels of abstraction.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Farsça مدل شهری
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İngilizce How to report Anti-Social Behaviour If you...
How to report
If you want to make a complaint
about a neighbour or someone
who visits their home, this is
what to do:
• Phone Salix Direct on 0800 218
2000, visit your Neighbourhood
Office or write to us.
• We’ll then investigate the
complaint and agree an action
plan with you.
• Our officers will see anyone
wishing to make a general
complaint within five working

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Farsça چگونگی گزارش دادن رفتار ضداجتماعی
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Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir.
İngilizce CAPRICORN They are ambitious, resolute, cold...
They are ambitious, resolute, cold minded. Fatigue never makes them afraid, they work hard. They plan patiently and carefully. To achieve their results they are ready to do anything, without asking any help. They are reserved and introverted. Their main characteristics are shyness and insecurity. Suited jobs are: politician, entrepreneur, insurer, estate agent, banking employee.

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Türkçe OÄžLAK- Hırslı, kararlı, soÄŸuk kanlı...
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Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir.

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Arapça هناك ألف سبب لئلا...
İbranice אלף סיבות
Farsça به هزار دلیل...
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İngilizce American Express cards will be charged in USD....
American Express cards will be charged in USD. Paying with American Express will result in currency conversion fees if your card is not denominated in USD and/or if you send a non-USD payment.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
İsveççe American Express-kort kommer att bli debiterade i USD.
Lehçe Karty American Express bÄ™dÄ… obciążaÅ‚y twój rachunek...
Farsça هزینه از کارت‌های امریکن اکسپرس...
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İngilizce DDA line
NURBS(Non Uniform Rational B-Splines) are nearly ubiquitous for computer-aided design (CAD),
manufacturing (CAM), and 3D modelers and part of numerous industry wide 3D data exchange standards
such as IGES and STEP. With a rapidly growing hardware system, NURBS is getting more attentions in
real-time systems or 3D games. In this new trend, the biggest obstacle is that tessellating NURBS into
triangles is still slower than loading pre-triangulated data.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Farsça خط DDA
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Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir.
İngilizce Enterprise architecture modelling
The problem of aligning and integrating business and IT is hampering many companies in their strategic and tactical development.
متن در مورد معماری سازمانی است.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Farsça مدل‌سازی معماری سازمانی
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Arnavutça O rrush, a je mirë?
O rrush, a je mirë? Çka bën, a je mirë, a ka najsen të re ka ti?
ceci est un inbox que j'ai reçu et cela m'interesserait vraiment de savoir ce que cela signifie

Tamamlanan çeviriler
İtalyanca tesoro stai bene dove sei
Fransızca Mon trésor, comment vas-tu? Te ...
İspanyolca Cariño, ¿Estás bien? ¿Dónde estás?
İngilizce Honey, are you OK?
Almanca Mein Schatz, geht es dir gut?
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İngilizce My Name is Mrs F. M., a Sierra Leone...
My Name is Mrs F. M., a Sierra Leone refugee,I have decided to contact you
because I am interested in investing in your country the sum of US$11,000,000.00.
[Eleven Million United State Dollars] which was left to me and my only survived son
A. R. M. by my late husband.
<names abbrev.> (05/26/francky)

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Türkçe adım bayan F.M...
Farsça من خانم ف.Ù….ØŒ یک پناهنده‌ی سیرالئونی هستم
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